The United States has a pollution issue that is alarming especially since it threatens the air and water quality along with the soil and the health of the population. This problem can be traced back to the development of various industries and urban areas as well as energy production and agricultural activities within some states. These states are affected negatively as they suffer from high levels of health risks which include cancer, respiratory diseases, and various other chronic conditions. In this blog, we shall take a look at the 9 states in the US that are the most polluted along with how the pollution affects the lifestyle of the residents of that locality.
Most Polluted States in the United States
1. Louisiana

Population: 4,648,794
Louisiana is frequently reported to be one of the most populated states in the US and the Mississippi River is of high concern, specifically its long history with cancer since the state contains several petrochemical factories, shipyards, and industrial sites. Currently, the state faces challenges concerning its air quality along with its water and soil as well since people who live near the Mississippi River are reported to be 50 times more likely to be diagnosed with cancer, this further spreads to other residents where asthma and COPD become common illnesses as well as the waterways containing dioxins, arsenic, mercury, and benzene.
Health Impact: High rates of cancer with an increased chance of suffering from chronic illnesses or respiratory issues.
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2. Nevada

Population: 3,080,156
Pollution in Nevada is from nuclear testing, mining, and also urbanization. The presence of Las Vegas in the state contributes to the poor air quality of the state which is characterized by high ozone levels and wildfire, diesel engines, and coal power plant-related pollutants. Groundwater pollution such as the presence of nitrates and pesticides as contaminants poisons the water. Operating mines emit toxic materials including mercury, arsenic, and asbestos that are proven to be dangerous to human life.
Health Impact: Increase in healthcare costs, Asbestos-related ailments, respiratory problems, and Cancer.
3. Indiana

Population: 6,732,219
Indiana’s developed oil and gas and coal industries are contributors to the awful air and water pollution of the state. The heavy presence of Particulate matter, benzene, and formaldehyde characterizes the state. Chemical waste from industries contains PCBs, fertilizers, and pesticides which poison water basins as well as lead from industrial soils while East Chicago and such regions have high levels of lead poisoning incidents.
Health Impact: lung cancer, asthma, and children suffering from cognitive breakdowns and deficits.
4. Delaware
Population: 973,764
Delaware’s water basins have been poisoned by the chemical industry and industrial waste from surrounding states. Delaware’s air environment is rated poorly by the American Lung Association while the Delaware River Basin is not spared as chemical discharge and raw sewage as well as farming runoff destroy the ecosystem. Lead, Copper, and Bronze are among the most commonly found debris.
Health Impact: Enhanced chances of respiratory problems and water pollution-related cancer
5. Utah
Total Population: 3,205,958
Utah has an issue of affording clean air owing to industrial business activities, possible car pollution, and inversions. The state also has a problem of agricultural runoffs and mining which pollutes the water resources and causes the growth of dangerous toxins like algae and metals. Air quality is worsened by the particulate matter caused due to winter inversions.
Impact on Health: Alongside other threats, life expectancy is reduced due to breathing issues and less access to clean drinking water.
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6. Ohio
Total Population: 11,689,100
According to the state pollution ranking of Ohio, the state has a past of heavy pollution due to being dominated by coal factories (noxious industries), industrial setups, and vehicle usage. Great swathes of Cleveland and Cincinnati suffer from poor-quality air for weeks on end. The Ohio River along with a decent number of Ohio’s water bodies is infested with algae blooms, PCBs, mercury, and DDT. Areas near decommissioned factories still have remnants of suffering soil pollution.
Health Impact: Cancerous growth in the lungs and several other issues related to breathing like deepened lung problems and drinking still bathed in polluted water will increase the risks more.
7. Oregon
Total Population: 4,217,737
Air pollution within Oregon is reinforced by the rising number of forest fires, imported wood pollution, and smoke from local factories. Areas around Portland and Eugene have sky-high pollution levels filled with micro particles. Moreover, the industrial discharge into the Willamette River along with geriatric wells operated in the countryside | which contain arsenic, nitrates, and pesticides are actively compromising their health.
Health Impact: Water and soil pollution directly impacts the reconstruction of their bones, ultimately decreasing their chances of reconstructing new bones while also increasing cancer-prone locations within their body.
8. Tennessee
Population: 6,829,174
The state’s pollution includes wastewater discharge, E.coli contamination, coal-burning power plants, oil refineries, and industrial facilities. Tennessee is also a major contributor to mercury emissions as indicated by its poor air quality in urban areas including Knoxville. One of the United States’ top three polluted bodies of water is the Tennessee River.
Health Impact: Increased asthma symptoms, breathing problems, and increased chance of developing cancer due to water toxins.
9. Illinois
Population: 12,671,821
In terms of pollution, Illinois draws its problems from industrial expansion, emissions from automobiles, and runoffs from agriculture. The air pollution caused by ozone in Chicago renders it one of the most polluted cities in the country. There is deterioration of considerable amounts of groundwater caused by coal ash sites leaching arsenic and lithium as well as proximity to steel plants which evaporate heavy metals.
Health Impact: Due to pollution caused by soil and water, the chance of developing asthma in individuals goes up, as well as the possibility of acquiring cancer, and developmental issues.
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Final Remarks
The most polluted states in the United States of America have their own environmental issues most of which stem from industrialization, urbanization, and energy generation. Efforts directed towards reduction of the pollution should be adopted as pollution is affecting the health of the people. If the pollution is reduced it will have a positive impact on both public health and the environment.