Message To Bratton: Citizens Filming Police Should Be Protected

Ramsey Orta filmed the lynchhold killing of Eric Garner

WHAT: Press conference

WHO: Copwatch Patrol Unit

WHERE: Broadway-side Entrance to City Hall

WHEN: Thursday, May 21st at 9:15am

New Yorkers who film police are calling on the city council and state legislature to protect the rights of those who film police interactions by punishing cops who harass, intimidate and sometimes even arrest people who legally film them.

Yesterday, NYPD commissioner Bill Bratton railed against New Yorkers who film police by suggesting they interfere with police work.

New Yorkers who film the police have been targeted on multiple occasions, some even being arrested themselves. Jose LaSalle, a veteran copwatcher and founder of Copwatch Patrol Unit, has a lawsuit after Bronx cops arrested him and seized his camera when he filmed them. Ramsey Orta, the man who filmed the police chokehold killing of Eric Garner last summer, was recently released from Rikers after he says he was targeted for retribution and set up by members of the NYPD.

This year in Oregon and Colorado, legislators have introduced bills that would strengthen protections for copwatchers as well as fine cops who target them. Under the proposed bill in Colorado, police officers who interfere with lawful copwatching can be fined a $15,000 penalty.

New Yorkers are looking for similar protections.

Jose LaSalle (347) 364 8180