Jessica Larson, of Mallory Lapka Scott & Selin PLLC, Dr. St. Claire’s divorce lawyer. Photo: Firm’s website.
By Milton Allimadi
The divorce attorney of the Michigan Doctor who’s now admitted to injecting his Haitian immigrant wife for years with unprescribed antipsychotic drugs—even though she and several mental health professionals say she’s not schizophrenic—has threatened to file another lawsuit against me.
At the time I first broke the story in November 2023, Dr. Paul Gregory St. Claire, 72, who was an anesthesiologist at Sparrow Hospital, in Lansing, MI., denied the allegations by his wife, Cassandra Fameux, who’s 44, through his lawyer, Jessica Larson, of Mallory Lapka Scott & Selin PLLC.
Now the same Ms. Larson is threatening a lawsuit.

Dr. Paul Gregory St. Claire. Photo source: Family
Dr. St. Claire was terminated by Sparrow Hospital on Feb. 28, 2024, according to records from the couple’s ongoing divorce case. The hospital was acquired in 2023 and it’s now University of Michigan Health Sparrow Lansing.
Since my 2023 article and additional ones in 2024, Dr. St. Claire has admitted on three separate occasions—including during court testimony on Dec. 11, 2024 before Judge Carol N. Koenig in the couple’s ongoing divorce case—that he did in fact inject his wife with Invega Sustenna. Dr. St. Claire’s alleged accomplice, Sparrow Hospital colleague, psychiatrist Dr. Dominic Barberio—who allegedly falsely diagnosed Ms. Fameux as schizophrenic to pave the way for the injections— has since stated, in a recorded conversation, that she wasn’t schizophrenic.
Ms. Famuex played the audio recording to officer Nathan Wicks, of the Meridian Township Police Department on Sept. 10, 2024, when, accompanied by a State employee, Ms. Fameux filed a criminal complaint against Dr. St. Claire. Ms. Fameux later provided a copy of the audio with additional evidence to the Meridian Police. The police chief, Richard Grillo, confirmed via e-mail message to me on Jan. 7, 2025, that the investigation continues.
Earlier this month, on Jan. 2, 2025, Dr. St. Claire served me with a defamation lawsuit through attorney Chris Newberg, with Grand Rapids, MI-based firm, Kuiper Kraemer PC. Among his claims, Dr. St. Claire alleged that I had falsely reported that the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) was investigating Ms. Fameux’s allegations about the “illegal” injections. He also claimed I falsely reported that he’d injected his wife with the unprescribed Invega Sustenna at Sparrow Hospital from July 2017 to February 2021.
In fact, LARA confirmed to me on at least three occasions that the department was investigating Ms. Fameux’s allegations. When Dr. St. Claire was deposed on Oct. 2, 2024 by Timothy Young, Ms. Fameux’s divorce attorney, he testified that Sparrow had suspended him in November 2023 for allegedly accessing his wife’s medical records at the hospital. In his testimony Dr. St. Claire claimed Ms. Fameux had given him authority to do so. He also said: “If she claims I went into her chart without her permission, anyone knows that’s a HIPAA violation.”
It’s unclear whether LARA has reviewed transcripts of that deposition, or of Dr. St. Claire’s Dec. 11, 2024 court testimony before Judge Koenig, when he admitted to injecting Ms. Fameux.
As I reported in my Jan. 8, 2025 article in response to Dr. St. Claire’s defamation lawsuit, prior to his Dec. 11, 2024 court testimony, Dr. St. Claire had also admitted that he injected Ms. Fameux when he was deposed by Mr. Young on Oct. 2, 2024, and in a written interrogatory response dated April 11, 2024 to Benjamin Fulger, who was Ms. Fameux’s divorce attorney at the time.
Dr. St. Claire’s revelation that he injected Ms. Fameux with the unprescribed Invega Sustenna at the hospital in Dr. Barberio’s office could expose U Michigan Health Sparrow.
Ms. Fameux said she believes there has been pressure on her lawyer to settle the case, since Dr. St. Claire admitted in open court on Dec. 11, 2024 to injecting her. She said people close to her have also been contacted and pressured into coercing her to settle. She has said she wants her day in court.
Ms. Fameux alleged, in an Oct. 30, 2023 affidavit of criminal complaint to Mark Totten, then the U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Michigan, that Dr. St. Claire’s motive in injecting her was because he wanted to gain financially. He also wanted custody of their three children who were then all minors, she also alleged. Ms. Fameux signed the agreement, which was entered on Feb. 20, 2018 in the Ingham County 30th Judicial District Circuit Court, in Lansing, MI; the agreement shifted the bulk of marital assets—millions of dollars and the couple’s two homes—to Dr. St. Claire.
In a motion to set-aside the separate maintenance agreement, filed on Oct. 22, 2024, Ms. Fameux’s divorce attorney, Mr. Young, said the Invega Sustenna injections by Dr. St. Claire and Dr. Barberio “incapacitated” Ms. Fameux “to the extent she didn’t know the why or what was happening,” and that “it impaired her ability to fully understand and communicate; something defendant tried to convey during the mediation, i.e., that she didn’t know what was going on and what she was being asked to sign…” According to Mr. Young’s motion, the Invega Sustenna dosages went as high as 234 to 256 mg.
“Subsequently,” Dr. St. Claire, “admitted to administering this medication to defendant, even admitting that they utilized samples to avoid the necessity of proper prescriptions, thereby making it impossible to verify the doses administered,” Young’s motion stated. “The judgment of separate maintenance was entered while the defendant was without clear mind, under duress, and contrary to the necessary finding of fact, i.e., the marriage had been preserved,” the motion further stated.
“The Invega Sustenna shots” that Dr. St. Claire administered to Ms. Fameux “continued until 2021 and only stopped” because she “developed a brain tumor and diabetes as a result of the drugs being given to her,” the motion stated. Ms. Fameux said she also developed a heart condition–which she blames on the injections–and a loop recorder was implanted in her chest in March 2023 to monitor her heart rate. Surgery she required to deal with excessive bleeding left her infertile, she said.
Judge Koenig denied the motion to set-aside, a decision Ms. Fameux has said she plans to appeal.
Dr. St. Claire may have also perjured himself when he testified on Dec. 11, 2024 before Judge Koenig, that Dr. Barberio also injected Ms. Fameux at his office. Ms. Fameux alleged that it was only Dr. St. Claire, and Dr. Barberio’s two medical assistants—Stacey Bumbalough and Paula Ackley—who injected her at the hospital.
Dr. Barberio only injected her as “punishment” at the couple’s marital home whenever Dr. St. Claire was angry at her and phoned Dr. Barberio to come to their Okemos residence. Dr. St. Claire kept hand-written notes documenting such home visits and injections.

Dr. St. Claire’s handwritten notes documenting Dr. Barberio’s home visits to inject his wife.
Even though Dr. St. Claire denied that he injected his wife with the unprescribed Invega Sustenna when I first reported the story, his divorce lawyer sent me an e-mail message this week threatening new legal action.
“Mr. Allimadi, I am aware of your article dated January 8th regarding Dr. Paul Gregory St. Claire where you state as follows: ‘In light of Dr. St. Claire’s recent admissions, it now turns out that it was he and his lawyer, Ms. Larson, who disseminated false information to me—claiming Dr. St. Claire hadn’t injected Ms. Fameux,’” Ms. Larson’s Jan. 21, 2025 e-mail message reads.
Ms. Larson adds: “This statement is false and defamatory of me, my client, and my office. I encourage you to review my e-mail to you dated November 29, 2023 and promptly issue a retraction and apology for your libelous statement regarding me, my client, and my firm. If verification of same is not promptly received, further legal action will be considered.”
Well, let’s look at the e-mail message I sent Ms. Larson on Nov. 22, 2023 and then let’s examine the e-mail that she’s referring to, which she sent me in response, on Nov. 29, 2023:
Jessica Larson, Esq.
Greetings Ms. Larson,
Black Star News, is working on a potential article based on allegations made against Dr. Paul Gregory St. Claire (and his colleague Dr. Dominic Barberio) of Sparrow Hospital in an October 30, 2023 affidavit by his wife Cassandra Fameux submitted to the U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Michigan, Mark Totten.
I understand Dr. St. Claire is your client in divorce proceedings.
Ms. Fameux’s allegations include: falsification of documents including her medical records; intentional wrongful diagnosis of Schizophrenia by Dr. Barberio on the recommendations of Dr. St. Claire; and, intentional wrongful medication with Invega Sustenna for several years, by Dr. St. Claire and Dr. Barberio, even though, she claims, they both knew she did not suffer from Schizophrenia. Ms. Fameux has produced screenshots showing the dates she was allegedly injected with Invega Sustenna.
Ms. Fameux claimed Dr. St. Claire’s motive was to impair and diminish her mental capabilities in order to induce her into signing documents (which she eventually did) including a Financial Separate Maintenance agreement that shifted the bulk of marital assets to her husband. Ms. Fameux claims Dr. St. Claire also wanted to gain an upper-hand in subsequent divorce proceedings by establishing a “false” narrative that she was mentally unstable.
Ms. Fameux claimed it is her husband who was actually diagnosed with Schizophrenia and treated for the same years ago.
She claimed that Sparrow Hospital’s senior medical officials had warned Dr. St. Claire on several occasions (including in writing in 2019 and in 2021) about alleged inappropriate behavior including complaints of alleged sexual harassment by co-workers and patients.
Could you please send me a response to these allegations on behalf of your client or let me know how to reach him directly in case he wants to respond?
I’m working with a deadline of 8PM this evening November 22, 2023.
Milton Allimadi
Here’s Ms. Larson’s Nov. 29, 2023 response:
Mr. Allimadi,
Dr. St. Claire denies Ms. Fameux’s false and malicious allegations made against him. Ms. Fameux fabricates claims and omits important details of her own conduct in an effort to falsely discredit a property settlement reached over five years ago in a separate maintenance action. In 2017, Ms. Fameux violently attacked Dr. St. Claire with a razor blade in front of their children leading to her arrest and hospitalization. Dr. St. Claire was granted a personal protection order to protect himself and the children while Ms. Fameux received needed care.
In the separate maintenance action, Ms. Fameux had the assistance of an experienced family law attorney and a court appointed attorney guardian ad litem. Both attorneys reviewed and approved the settlement that was reached. Further, the Ingham County Probate Court found Ms. Fameux had a need for a guardian and appointed her sister to this position. We trust caution and due diligence will be exercised by the Black Star News in handling the libelous and false allegations presented by Ms. Famuex.
Thank you,
Jessica Larson
Mallory, Lapka, Scott & Selin, PLLC
605 S. Capitol Avenue
Lansing, MI 48933

Ms. Larson’s e-mail message to me from Nov. 29, 2023.
I must be missing something in Ms. Larson’s response.
In any case, let’s examine Ms. Larson’s Nov. 29, 2023 e-mail message.
She writes that “Ms. Fameux had the assistance of an experienced family law attorney and a court appointed attorney guardian ad litem.” What she didn’t mention in that response was that the “experienced family law attorney,” Robin Omer, who was hired for Ms. Fameux and paid by Dr. St. Claire, had once been the law partner of Jane Radner, who was Dr. St. Claire’s lawyer during his 2003 divorce from his second wife, the late Dr. Marcy Street, whom Dr. St. Claire had also alleged was paranoid.

The late Dr. Marcy Street, Dr. St. Claire’s second wife.
In her Nov. 29, 2023 e-mail message, Ms. Larson also didn’t mention that the guardian ad litem, Melissa Leckie, did not sign the signature page of the separate maintenance agreement as I pointed out in several articles including the one on Jan. 8, 2025. She also didn’t sign the signature page of the Qualified Domestic Relations Order.
Also, according to Mr. Young’s Oct. 22, 2024 motion to set-aside, guardian ad litem Ms. Leckie didn’t even participate in the mediation process. What’s more, as is clearly evident from the document’s signature page, although Ms. Larson mentions Ms. Fameux’s sister, Jenny Smith, she also didn’t sign the agreement.
I only found out the information about Mr. Omer and Ms. Leckie after I read court papers from Dr. St. Claire’s current divorce proceedings and his 2003 divorce case. Ms. Fameux wasn’t even aware of it.
Mr. Omer and Ms. Leckie didn’t respond to previous phone calls and e-mail messages from me seeking comment.

This is the page 17, the signature page of the separate maintenance agreement, without the guardian ad litem Melissa G. Leckie’s signature. Jessica Larson was previously Jessica L. Waite.

Ms. Leckie’s signature appears, alone, on a page attached to the document, also labeled “17.”

This is the cover-page of the Qualified Domestic Relations Order.

This is Judge Lawless’ signature on page 6 of the Qualified Domestic Relations Order.

This is page 7, of the Qualified Domestic Relations Order. Once again both Ms. Leckie’s and Ms. Smith’s signatures are missing.
Ms. Fameux’s lawyer, Mr. Young, countered Ms. Larson’s description of the razor blade incident in his Oct. 22, 2024 motion to set-aside the separate maintenance agreement.
He wrote that it was Dr. St. Claire who “instructed” Ms. Fameux’s sister to have her hospitalized under Dr. Barberio’s care. After Ms. Fameux’s release, according to Mr. Young’s motion, Dr. St. Claire “began medicating her on his own” at their home. Dr. St. Claire’s “abuse continued” and Ms. Fameux “attempted to undermine the control” by Dr. St. Claire. She “began to act out and on one occasion” she “grabbed a razor and slashing (sic) the furniture.”
When the Police arrived, since they couldn’t arrest Ms. Famuex for destroying her own furniture, Dr. St. Claire “took it upon himself to have” Ms. Fameux “committed to the hospital again,” Mr. Young wrote in his motion to set-aside the judgment.
I wonder if Ms. Larson is still interested in suing me?
Ms. Larson’s threat, just like the frivolous lawsuit filed by Newberg for him, is Dr. St. Claire’s attempt to weaponize the courts system and use it to block media coverage of his alleged egregious conduct.
Ms. Fameux’s divorce case resumes Jan. 29, 2025 before Judge Koenig.
Note: Support Black Star News’ GoFundMe campaign for hiring a Michigan-licensed attorney to answer the frivolous defamation lawsuit Dr. St. Claire served me with with on Jan. 2, 2025.