Marty Supports Bed-Stuy Health Effort

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Kiwanis Club of Bed-Stuy/Brooklyn Hospital Center teamed up with National Allotment Insurance Agency and the Dekalb Avenue Merchants Alliance to bring a health fair to Bed-Stuy.

On the cusp of President Obama’s signing into law the Health Care Reform Bill, Kiwanis Club of Bedford Stuyvesant and Brooklyn Hospital Center teamed up with National Allotment Insurance Agency and the Dekalb Avenue Merchants Alliance to bring a health fair to Bed-Stuy residents  on Saturday, March 20.

The extravaganza, held at the famed Sugarhill Supper Club, was an initiative designed to reach the masses of uninsured community residents who may not be fully aware of the risks that accompany unhealthy lifestyles.

Free health screenings, speakers, food, fun and information on asthma, cancer prevention, diabetes and HIV/AIDS awareness  were provided for community families. “We are especially interested in having children aged 12 and over and their parents attend this session,” Said Pernon Dunston, President of the Bed-Stuy Kiwanis Club. “Diabetes is at epidemic proportions due to childhood obesity, and this year our goal here at Kiwanis of Bed-Stuy, is to raise awareness about prevention and treatment of this chronic disease.”

Brooklyn Borough President, Marty Markowitz stopped in and was warmly received by everyone as he extended his blessings for a job well done.  The Borough President expressed his appreciation to the Kiwanis Club of Bed-Stuy along with Brooklyn Hospital Center, the NYPD 79th Precinct, Dekalb Avenue Merchants Alliance, the Brooklyn Public Library and all of the organizers and sponsors of the fair, encouraging the community to make use of the resources and information to increase the number of healthy Broolynites.

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Sam Dunston, an icon in the national small business arena, President of National Allotment Insurance Agency, and a sponsor of the Kiwanis of Bedford Stuyvesand/Brooklyn Hospital Center Health Fair, announced, “I want it to go on record that I support President Obama’s health care reform because I believe his program will save a lot of lives for people who can’t afford health care.”

Steven Lee, President of the Dekalb Merchants Alliance and organizer of the health fair explained that he was compelled to utilize the opportunity to organize the fair when it was presented to him because diabetes has had an effect on his family. In addition, Lee says he is concerned for teenagers, for whom cases of diabetes is on the rise.  Lee was very appreciative of the participants and sponsors of the health fair, which included, in addition to the previously mentioned hosts, 79th Precinct Law Enforcement Explorers Youth Program, Dekalb Avenue Merchants Alliance supporters, Glorious Church Praise Team who provided the live entertainment, and did an extraordinary job; Minister Fernando of Christ Fellowship Baptist Church; Pastor Gwen Dingle of Pentecostal House of Prayer; C-Town Supermarket located at 325 Lafayette Avenue (718) 783-8656; Walter T. Mosley, III, NYS Committeeman and District Leader of the 57th AD

; Sucr’e Coffee Jazz Lounge located at 520 Dekalb Avenue off Bedford (718) 636-2000, Rustik Garden Jazz Lounge, located at 471 Dekalb Avenue bet. Franklin and Kent Avenues (347) 406-9700; Umi-Nom located at 433 Dekalb Avenue off Classon (718) 789-8886.

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Cynthia Chiqwazi and Maureen Bowen, outreach coordinators for Brooklyn Hospital Center, provided information on how women, infants and children may receive food vouchers from the WIC program. They also provide nutrition education for pregnant women.  Their offices are located at 1606 Fulton Street between Marcus Garvey & Troy Avenues, phone 718 774-6300 .  

Dr. Linus Yoe of Brooklyn Hospital Center’s Department of Medicine shared with the attendees crucial information on the importance of early detection and prevention of diabetes, urging people not to wait until symptoms manifest into wounds that will not heal, which may effectually result in amputations, among other symptoms.  Dr. Yoe also stressed the importance of a healthy diet and exercise, most importantly aerobic type exercises.  Dr. Yoe advised that even brisk walking several times a week, can be effective in the prevention and controlling of diabetes. 

On the lighter side, there was plenty of food, music, live entertainment, and fun for the enthusiastic families who appreciated the effort on their behalf. 

With a hearty smile, Mr. Lee concluded, “We just did our part and hopefully, accomplished our goal, which was to raise awareness in the community about good health overall.”

The Brooklyn Hospital Center is located at 121 DeKalb Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11201, 718-250-8344 .

Brenda Jeanne Wyche is Managing Editor of The Black Star News and Harlem Business News.  Contact [email protected]   .

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