Marc Morial Spoke Truth To Power This Time…

The thirteen colonies which became the U.S. did not come about without people risking their lives and property.

Dr. King Spoke Truth To Power

To The Editor: Marc Morial usually talks about things of little relevance to solving our problems but in “Dr. Martin Luther King Preached Action,” he is better tha usual because he emphasizes the need for action.

Black America hasn´t developed any organized resistance to the oppressive tactics being used against us. We have settled into a totally passive mode of co-existing with our oppressors. We aren´t inclined toward any action that will entail  sacrifice or danger and yet we talk about freedom.

The 13 colonies which became the U.S. did not come about without people risking their lives and property. We aren´t fighting the “good fight” but are only claiming to do so. The ex-slaves have become spoiled dependent children incapable of facing long standing problems that won´t solve themselves.

Dr. King faced death every day and it was well understood what was at stake and what the costs could be. With the exception of Reverend Pinckney in Benton Harbor, MIchigan no Black leader is willing to go to the mat for what he believes.