Lincoln Project: Last Week Proved MAGA Is America’s Taliban

By Special To The Black Star News

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MAGA extremists pressured the craven corrupt Kevin McCarthy into conceding to the concessions of the right-wing fanatics

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The Lincoln Project released the following statement regarding last week’s debacle in the U.S. House, where the MAGA extremists pressured the craven corrupt Kevin McCarthy into conceding to the concessions of the right-wing fanatics in the Trump-controlled Republican Party. The extremists, led by Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz, forced McCarthy to face fifteen votes to receive the House Speaker’s gavel:

When we released the ad below in November, we told you there would be no compromise with the Ultra-MAGA if they won. This week they showed a willingness to take the nation hostage to further their own corrupt ambitions. 

The MAGA movement is the American version of the Taliban. Like the Taliban, MAGA embraces violence and threats to attain power. 

They aren’t interested in policy debates or real governance, only implementing their culture war to roll back individual rights, crush dissent, eliminate fair elections, and destroy our democratic institutions.

You can watch the ad here.

The Lincoln Project is a leading pro-democracy organization in the United States — dedicated to the preservation, protection, and defense of democracy.

To learn more about The Lincoln Project, go to  

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