Lincoln Project Highlights Biden Economic Successes In New Ad Campaign

By The Lincoln Project

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September 19, 2023 – As the MAGA GOP undertakes its political inquisition and phony impeachment of President Biden, The Lincoln Project announces a series of ads supporting President Biden’s re-election. The first ad, ‘American Story’, commends President Biden’s leadership and celebrates his achievements in rebuilding America’s economy here at home and respect around the world. 

The ad targets independents and ‘Bannon-line’ voters – those persuadable Republican swing voters repelled MAGA. The six-figure campaign begins in the critical swing state of Wisconsin and will  expand in the following weeks. The cable markets are La Crosse, Duluth, Wausau, and Minneapolis. The ad will be supplemented with a state-wide digital buy.

“President Biden’s hard work and tireless energy created the most successful Presidency in decades,” said Rick Wilson, co-founder of the Lincoln Project. “President Biden should be extolled for a remarkable performance that energized the economy after COVID and united the world against totalitarianism. President Biden has brought honor, dignity, and service back to the White House and has earned another four years to finish the job.”


Decades of leadership, a lifetime of experience, and rock-solid determination to rebuild America.

Joe Biden’s plan for America’s economic comeback is working, the highest job growth in the world, inflation, coming down faster than any other major nation. The prices families pay for everything from gas to groceries, falling fast.

Hope and optimism – coming back.

His tireless work to build a stronger America means we’re respected again. And a respected America is a safer America.

Joe Biden’s years have taught him leadership, wisdom, toughness, how to ignore the noise, and focus on the people. He’s a President for every American making the hard decisions with compassion, heart, and respect.

That’s Joe Biden, America’s President.

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The Lincoln Project is a leading pro-democracy organization in the United States — dedicated to the preservation, protection, and defense of democracy.

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