Kyle Rittenhouse: Judge Denies Request to Increase Bond

By Special To The Black Star News

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request to raise Kyle Rittenhouse’s bond

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Kenosha County Circuit Court Judge Bruce Schroeder Thursday refused prosecutors’ request to raise Kyle Rittenhouse’s bond and agreed to seal Rittenhouse’s address from the public, even denying the Kenosha County District Attorney’s Office access to his whereabouts.

Prosecutors had asked last week to raise Rittenhouse’s bond by $200,000, contending that he violated the terms of his bond by failing to update his address when he moved from his Antioch, Ill., apartment.

His bond agreement requires that he notify the court within 48 hours of moving, prosecutors said.

Rittenhouse, now 18, was 17 years old when he came to Kenosha on Aug. 25 armed with an AR-15 during protests and riots following the shooting of Jacob Blake by a Kenosha Police officer.

Read rest of story here.

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