Khamit: Great Kings and Queens

“We must preserve knowledge so when we reincarnate, the knowledge will be available to us�, referring to a premonition of one of the King’s advisors that our nation would inevitably fall and rise again, drew tremendous applause and cheers from the audience during the production.

It’s about time!  No disrespect to Dr. King, Harriet Tubman, George Washington Carver or any of our great leaders who we relentlessly celebrate during Black History Month, but it is high time we all recognize, also, that we had a life before slavery — a life of abundance, royalty, riches, great dignity and sovereignty.  Hence, on Saturday, June 18th, the Ausar Auset Society presented the sensational and long overdue production of Great Kings & Queens of Khamit – A Tribute to the Royal Leaders of our Ancestry, at Medgar Evers College.  There was standing room only as Brothers and Sisters from 9 weeks to 109 years packed the auditorium with great enthusiasm to learn about our great ancestry.  There was a still yet eagerness to taste the sweet and juicy fruits of knowledge that this great production fed upon our people.

With the knowledge that they were not only working as actors tonight, but dutifully educating the audience that we are a people of great revere to be celebrated, all of the actors executed their craft with the richness, enthusiasm, eloquence and skill of Great Kings and Queens.  Mission accomplished without a doubt.

Presented in a series of colorful vignettes, the Ausar Auset Society’s spectacular production, Great Kings & Queens of Khamit, invigorated the audience with their magnificent depictions of rule in the courts and assemblies of the royal leaders of our ancestry and how discovery of all of the liberal arts, including but not limited to math, science, physics, astrology and spirituality by our ancestors, influences and controls the world.

Stimulating expressions like, “We must preserve knowledge so when we reincarnate, the knowledge will be available to usâ€?, referring to a premonition of one of the King’s advisors that our nation would inevitably fall and rise again, drew tremendous applause and cheers from the audience during the production.  Discussions between the King and his advisors, in agreement that women played  just as significant a role as men in the sustenance and growth of the land and therefore, must be granted equal kingship, also drew large applause and enthusiasm.  “We are in danger of collapsing from inner weaknessâ€? and “The leadership of the King will be the leadership of Godâ€?.  There were so many stimulating and exhilarating moments in Ausar Auset Society’s Great Kings and Queens of Khamit that I actually had to ask if this would be an ongoing production.  It is my hope that it will be.

A one-night stand of this explosive presentation is a cruel tease and steps should be taken to make this production an ongoing program.  This is a mandatory work of art that should be experienced by everyone.  The opening of the play was slow and the song was monotonous and dragging.  But pick up the pace in one or two spots and they should have themselves a Broadway production. 

Performances by the Imani Dancers & Drummers Ensemble of Mass Communication were absolutely fascinating.  The dances were keenly synchronized and very well executed by the dance company.  Their graceful yet energtic and exhilarating movements thrilled and entertained all who had the good fortune to be present for the event.

I cannot diminish the image of the royal attire by referring to it as “costumeâ€?.  Design of the Royal Attire and the entire cast’s wardrobe was skillfully and magically done by Buaqerta Maat Houser and Quasim Alleyne.  The Set Design also by Buaquerta Maat Houser and Props and Artifacts Sculpting done by Mshingo Nguli, Akhurapa Ambak and Hekhepri Martin brought life to a time long past and allowed our imaginations to magically take us there.

People in charge couldn’t seem to make up their minds whether or not I could take pictures.  Deep into the production I received permission from the publicist. So, I was able to get this photo with my digital.  I hope no one was too offended by my approaching the front of the stage to get the the best shot I could for our readers, but it’s my duty to get all I can for our readers and this is definitely a story that must be shared for the good of our people.  The Black Star News is about uplifting our people and one way we make that happen is by covering such stories as Great Kings and Queens of Khamit.  Everyone must be aware and reminded that we had a life before slavery – and it was a beautiful life of abundance, sovereignty and power — power we still have today.  The ancients strategically designed history so that we would never forget, and bring ourselves back to our stature when the time comes, and that time is now.  So, anyone who was offended at my taking the picture, especially the lady who grabbed me and tried to escort me away, love and respect to you.   Sometimes you have to hold a loved one down to administer the shot.

The Ausar Auset Society gives FREE instruction in the spiritual tradition of Khamit (ancient Egypt).  The classes teach you how to transcend fear, anger, worry, grief and lack of joy through study and engagement of the three components of Man’s being – his/her Divine Spirit, the Mind and the Body.  They offer classes in Meditation, the I Ching, Physical, Mental and Emotional Well Being with Qi Gong (the ancient system of manipulating the life-force for the healing of illnesses and the enhancement of health and vitality.  For more information on the Ausar Auset Society, call (718) 469-3199 Monday – Friday 10 am to 5 pm or (718) 284-8742.  E-mail [email protected] .  Website:


There will be Pampering Services, Spiritual Readings, Wellness Workshops, Vending and Vegan Cuisine.
Location:      508-512 Flatbush Avenue between Lefferts & Empire
Directions:    B or Q Train to Prospect Park, B41 , 43 or 48 Bus to Empire
Dates:           Saturday, July 29  12:00 Noon to 10:00 PM
                     Sunday, July 30   12:00 Noon to 10:00 PM
For more information call Taui Enterprises (718) 469-3199

Brenda Jeanne Wyche, Advocate for Solutions and Results ©2006 is Managing Editor for The Black Star News and Harlem Business News and CEO of Winning Strategies & Associates, a public relations company in New York City.  If you have a solution, contact [email protected] .  Perhaps we should talk.

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