Jumaane Williams Endorsed by Scores of Elected Officials and Activists in Public Advocate Bid

By Special To The Black Star News

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Jumaane Williams.

New York City Council Member Jumaane Williams (D-Brooklyn) was joined by city and state elected officials, political organizations and community leaders during a rally today on the Steps of City Hall to officially launch his campaign to become New York City’s next Public Advocate.

During the rally, he announced his campaign has been endorsed by the New York Working Families Party, the New York Progressive Action Network, Mason Tenders’ District Council Local 79, New York State Laborers Organizing Fund, 100 Black Construction Workers and the Shirley Chisholm Democratic Club.

Today he was also endorsed by Kings County Democratic Chairman Frank Seddio, as well as several several city and state elected officials, including State Senator Roxanne Persaud (D-Brooklyn), Assembly Member Al Taylor (D-Manhattan), and Council Member Brad Lander (D-Brooklyn). This comes after more than a dozen elected officials recently endorsed Jumaane’s grassroots campaign.

“It’s an honor to have so many of my colleagues and progressive grassroots organizations stand by me today as I officially announce my run for Public Advocate,” Williams said. “Our city needs a Public Advocate who can effectively be an activist elected official, fighting for working families across the five boroughs. So many of the challenges our city face are uphill battles, but I’m used to running up hills, and will continue to do that as our city’s next Public Advocate.”

Bill Lipton, Executive Director of the New York Working Families Party said, “For the past 10 years as a Council Member, Jumaane has served as a Advocate for the Public, now it’s time we officially make him our city’s Public Advocate. He stands fearlessly with working families, fighting to make our city more affordable, equitable and just for all New Yorkers. I cannot imagine a better person to be our next Public Advocate than Jumaane, so the WFP is proud to endorse his progressive campaign.”

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“Our statewide organization, which grew out of the Bernie Sanders campaign in 2016, was the first organization to endorse Jumaane Williams for Lieutenant Governor,” said Traci Strickland, Co-Chair of NY Progressive Action Network. “We are proud today to stand here at the announcement of Jumaane’s campaign for Public Advocate, and do the same. We are proud to say that Jumaane is one of us. We are proud to support a candidate who is an unwavering advocate for civil rights and civil liberties. We are proud to support a candidate who is willing to put himself on the line, time and time again, and who speaks with his actions. We expect great things from Jumaane Williams, a politician who has scrapped his way up, who has risen in politics the hard way, through grassroots activism and support, who is beloved by those he represents, and who will bring a breath of fresh, untainted air, to City Hall.”

Robert Bonanza, Business Manager of the Mason Tenders’ District Council of Greater New York/Chair of the MTDCPAC and John Hutchings, Director of the NYS Laborers’ Organizing Fund PAC said in a joint statement, “Jumaane Williams has proven himself time and time again to be a friend of the men and women who build this city. We saw him do that numerous times during his time as chair of the Housing and Buildings Committee, most notably with the passage of his Intro 1447, which requires all workers to have safety training that will assuredly save lives. In the face of fierce opposition, Jumaane pushed this bill through the City Council, and that’s just what we need in a Public Advocate: someone who is not afraid to push back and do the right thing in the face of fierce opposition. We proudly endorse Jumaane Williams for Public Advocate.”

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Kings County Democratic Chairman Frank Seddio said, “I’m proud to throw my support behind a fellow Brooklynite who will continue fighting for our borough and New Yorkers across they city. Jumaane will be an excellent Public Advocate, and I look forward to being a part of his progressive campaign.”

Rona Taylor, President of the Shirley Chisholm Democratic Club said, “We could not be more proud to support Jumaane D. Williams in his run for the office of Public Advocate. Jumaane has a strong track record of standing up for what is right. I have seen him follow his heart and persevere in the face of adversity and these are precisely the type of qualities we need in an advocate for the people.”

Assembly Member Rodneyse Bichotte, Chairwoman of the Shirley Chisholm Democratic Club, added, “When I first ran for the New York State Assembly, Jumaane was one of the first people to stand by my side and has been by my side ever since. I have no doubt in my mind that Jumaane is the best person to be New York City’s Public Advocate. It is what he has been doing his whole career.”

State Senator Roxanne Persaud (D-Brooklyn) said, “Jumaane is the real deal. He’s a part of the progressive blue wave that is helping to advance some of the most pressing issues facing our communities. As a council member he has used his role to serve as an advocate for the people, so I am proud to endorse his candidacy for New York City’s Public Advocate.”

Assembly Member Al Taylor (D-Manhattan) said, “As a New York City Council Member, Jumaane has fought hard for working families and New Yorkers across the five boroughs. He is the activist elected official we need as our next Public Advocate, and I am proud to support his progressive campaign.”

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Council Member Brad Lander (D-Brooklyn) said, “Jumaane Williams is one of the strongest, clearest, most fearless leaders for justice that I know in elected office. He led our work in the City Council to combat discriminatory stop-and-frisk, for the NYPD Inspector General and a stronger prohibition on bias-based profiling, to expand summer youth jobs, and for restorative approaches to ending violence in our communities. There is no better fighter for communities across NYC. I’m thrilled to endorse my colleague and my friend Jumaane Williams in his run for Public Advocate of the City of New York.”

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