Job Openings: Construction and General Building Laborers Recruit Apprentices


The Construction and General Building Laborers, Local Union #79, will conduct a recruitment from September 4, 2013 through September 17, 2013 for 100 skilled construction craft laborer apprentices, State Labor Commissioner Peter M. Rivera announced today.

The recruitment for Local Union #79 will be offered online from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., Monday through Friday, during the recruitment period.  The recruitment will be offered for 10 business days or until 1,000 applicants are reached.  Applicants who do not have Internet access may visit their local library or call 311 and ask for the nearest New York State Career Center.

The Committee requires that applicants:

    •    Must be at least 18 years old at the start of the program.
    •    Must have a high school diploma or a General Equivalency Diploma (G.E.D).
    •    Must attest to being physically capable of performing the work of a skilled construction craft laborer.
    •    Must pass a pre-hire drug screening, at the apprentice’s expense, after acceptance into the program.
    •    Must provide military transfer or discharge form DD-214, if applicable.

Application Instructions:
    •    Go to WWW.MTTF.ORG (Do not add any information outside of fields.  The applicant must type the full address, including the WWW).
    •    Follow the links for Apprenticeship > Local 79.
    •    Fill out the required fields.
    •    The applicant will then wait for a letter requesting that he/she come in to the union to schedule an interview (this could take up to a year, depending on economic conditions).
    •    Please notify the US Postal Service if your address changes.

For further information, applicants should contact their nearest New York State Department of Labor office or Local Union #79 at (718) 383-6863.
Apprentice programs registered with the Department of Labor must meet standards established by the Commissioner.

Under state law, sponsors of programs cannot discriminate against applicants because of race, creed, color, national origin, age, sex, disability, or marital status.  Women and minorities are encouraged to submit applications for apprenticeship programs.  Sponsors of programs are required to adopt affirmative action plans for the recruitment of women and minorities.