Innocence Project: Marcellus Williams Facing Execution On Sept. 24 For Crime He Didn’t Commit

By Innocence Project

Photos: Marcellus Williams’ Legal Team\YouTube Screenshots

Here is the latest update in Missouri’s ongoing moves to block Marcellus Williams, facing execution on Sept. 24 for a crime that he didn’t commit, from having the court consider new evidence of his innocence:

First, the Circuit Court of St. Louis County, Missouri, agreed to a hearing on Aug. 21 to finally review previously unconsidered DNA evidence that proves Marcellus’ innocence — a positive development that sets a path to exoneration.

But then the Missouri Supreme Court refused to postpone the Marcellus’ execution date, which would give the Circuit Court more time to consider the exculpatory DNA results that no court has previously considered.

Now, Attorney General Andrew Bailey of Missouri is attempting to block the Circuit Court of St. Louis County from even holding a hearing to consider the DNA evidence that proves Marcellus Williams’ innocence.

If Attorney General Andrew Bailey’s motion succeeds, we will lose a crucial path to proving Marcellus’ innocence before his scheduled execution on Sept. 24. Will you join us in stopping Marcellus’ execution and ending this injustice before it’s too late?