Hudson Link For Higher Education In Prison Celebrates Graduates At Sullivan Correctional Facility

By Hudson Link

Photos: Hudson Link

On Wednesday, May 2nd, 2024, Hudson Link for Higher Education in Prison, in collaboration with SUNY Sullivan and St. Thomas Aquinas College, organized a memorable commencement ceremony at Sullivan Correctional Facility. The event celebrated the remarkable achievements of 40 students who successfully earned their associate’s and Bachelor’s degrees.

This graduation encompasses several milestones from Sullivan Correctional Facility students, with representatives from the classes of ’20, ’21, ’22, ’23, and ‘24 taking the stage in the first formal ceremony since 2019. Challenges such as a global pandemic and unexpected obstacles really demonstrate that our graduates have truly exemplified the spirit of resiliency!

During his address to the distinguished graduates, Acting Commissioner Daniel Martuscello III concluded his speech with a profound statement. “I am not acquainted with the men graduating today on a personal level,” he started, “however, I am aware of something unique about each and every one of you.” I have full confidence that the individuals in this community will not be judged based on their past, but rather on their present selves and the remarkable individuals they are evolving into right in front of us.”

SUNY Sullivan‘s Interim Vice President of Academic & Student Affairs Rose Hanofee recalls her joy while attending the event: “With it being years without a celebration, it was a privilege for me to attend the Hudson Link graduation ceremony,” said Hanofee. “In addition to honoring their degree completion, the graduates demonstrated their tenacity in the face of the pandemic and the shutdown of the world. What an accomplishment!”

Student Speaker James J. echoed a deep sense of gratitude for those who showed resilience in the path of earning their degree. “In my pursuit of wisdom, I was afforded the opportunity to be around other brothers who were willing to put in the work and transform their lives academically and personally. It’s all a surreal feeling to reach the Finish Line.”

Kenneth D. Daly, President of St. Thomas Aquinas College (STAC), expressed his pride in being a partner in the Hudson Link network. “Each year, St. Thomas Aquinas College (STAC) offers educational opportunities to incarcerated individuals who are eager to transform their lives. We are proud to call them STAC students, and now, STAC graduates! We celebrate the achievements of this year’s graduates from Sullivan Correctional Facility. Their dedication and passion for learning perfectly aligns with our mission and the mission of Hudson Link, which aims to empower students to define their own paths of growth“.

Student Speaker Gary M. kept the room in great spirits, reminding the fellow graduates of all they’ve overcome. “I can say that without your support, I wouldn’t be here. Brothers, know that today you have all earned something of which you should be proud. Today, with our degrees in hand, we can finally say, We did it.”

Lastly, with a consistent theme of setting a positive example, the leadership demonstrated by our keynote speaker, Eldredge Blalock, radiated throughout every graduate seated in the same seat he occupied seven years ago. “As I observe you incredible scholars in the same position I once occupied, what truly stands out is your determination. The determination to improve, the determination to have faith, and the determination to strive for something that is invaluable—your education.”

Hudson Link ( empowers currently and formerly incarcerated people to realize their academic and economic potential by managing degree-granting college programs and providing essential reentry support. Established in 1998, Hudson Link has transformed over a thousand lives helping incarcerated people make a positive impact on their own lives, their families and communities, resulting in lower rates of recidivism, incarceration and poverty. 

Working with nine college partners, Hudson Link provides funding, management and organizational support for academic programs leading to a college degree at six correctional facilities. In addition to in-prison college programs, Hudson Link operates a strong portfolio of services for alumni, including transitional housing through an initiative called New Beginnings and continuing education opportunities through the Finish Line Program.