Hill Police Assault Minister

Kudos to whomever it was in the hallway at the time of Rev. Yearwood’s incident that had the video or cell phone camera and the smarts to record it all. I understand Reverend Yearwood’s leg was broken–all because he wanted to hear General Petraeus testify before Congress.

[National News]

Let me state from the outset that I am sickened by video footage available on youtube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiradcejA6o ), of the assault on Reverend Lennox Yearwood by the Capitol Hill Police. 

Nowhere on the internet is the footage available of the press conference I had on the subject of certain Capitol Hill police officers. But at that press conference were Black Georgia constituents who told of the utter contempt with which they were treated at the hands of certain Capitol Hill police officers. 

Kudos to whomever it was in the hallway at the time of Rev. Yearwood’s incident that had the video or cell phone camera and the smarts to record it all. The minister was later charged with felony assault of police officers and is to appear in court on a later date; he says ligaments were torn in the beating –all because he wanted to hear General David Petraeus testify before Congress. 

But what’s more incredible is that according to my friends, there has been absolutely no coverage at all of this incident in what we call the mainstream media and that there have been no–repeat–no Members of Congress to speak out against this travesty. 

Kudos to Glen Ford of www.blackagendareport.com and Amy Goodman of Democracy Now! for covering this incident. The video will take only seven minutes of your time, please watch it. Of course, the police charged Rev. Yearwood with a crime, just like in New York; they’ve charged the Warrens, noted civil rights attorneys, for having the audacity to take down the license plate numbers of NYPD officers involved in beating a young, handcuffed Latino man.

I’m also told that in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania another incident, this time involving a woman, Diane White, was beaten and maced by cops, after having been pulled away and out of site of the Festival she had organized for neighborhood children. This happens in the midst of two unthinkable incidents: the Jena 6 situation in Louisiana with the imbroglio that has resulted from Black teenagers sitting under the “white tree” in the Jena High schoolyard and the situation in West Virginia where a 20-year-old Black woman was kidnapped, raped, and tortured amid racial epithets and the Feds decide yesterday that it’s not a hate crime! (The conviction of Mychal Bell was overturned Friday by an Appeals court).

Unarmed Blacks and Latinos are attacked and killed in city after city across this country and there is little justice to be found in the courts.  It is clear that our country needs a peace and justice movement that brings people from all backgrounds together with a single vision: to make a better U.S.A. for all of us and the world! 

More video:
More video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzk-ByJKToY
Also see www.Sept15.org


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