[America’s Voice]
Frank Sharry: “immigrants are essential members of the American family who have been indispensable in the fight against the pandemic.”
Photo: YouTube

Last evening, the House of Representatives approved the HEROES Act, a major bill that strengthens the nation’s response to COVID-19.

“We salute Speaker Pelosi and the House Democrats for putting forward and passing the HEROES Act,” says Frank Sharry, executive director of America’s Voice. “The legislation speaks loudly and clearly to what America wants right now: defeat the coronavirus, recognize the essential work of those who are on the front lines working to feed us and protect us, and safely open up our economy.”

“The way for all of us to conquer the virus is to include all of us in the emergency response,” added Sharry. “This legislation does just that. It recognizes that immigrants are essential members of the American family who have been indispensable in the fight against the pandemic. Immigrants will be essential as we rebuild our economy, too.

“More specifically, we are pleased by numerous provisions in the approved House bill that include American families with immigrant members. If enacted, all immigrants will be treated and tested, regardless of status; all DACA, TPS and essential workers will be able to continue working in vital roles on the frontlines of COVID-19 response without fear of deportation; all mixed-status, taxpaying families will receive the same financial support as other taxpayers; and all of the 126,000 aspiring Americans who have done everything to achieve citizenship will be allowed to pledge allegiance through remote naturalization ceremonies.

“The question before us now is whether the President and the Senate Majority Leader will step up to help enact this urgently-needed legislation. There is no middle ground. We either delay and play politics or we act boldly,” said Sharry.

Follow Frank Sharry, Pili Tobar, Douglas Rivlin and America’s Voice on Twitter: @FrankSharry and @pilitobar87 and @douglasrivlin and @AmericasVoice America’s Voice – Harnessing the power of American voices and American values to win common sense immigration reform