Eady Associates Launches Distance Learning

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Eady’s model teaches Universal/Spiritual laws and principles buttressed by Black entrepreneurs telling their stories on how they developed their businesses.


Long held to be a revolutionary approach to education, distant-learning made even greater inroads in educational history recently, when Eady Associates, in conjunction with The Norfolk State University School of Social Work produced  a very successful two day seminar, “Community and Neighborhood Development: Social Entrepreneurship”, in a distant-learning format.

The two day seminar was hosted by Columbia University School of Business and was video transmitted into Norfolk and Elizabeth City State Universities Schools of Social Work.

Participants in the seminar included: world-renowned activist, historian and  academician, Dr. Leonard Jeffries of the City University of New York; Terrie Williams, clinical social worker, public relations guru and author; newspaper publisher of Black Star News, Milton  Allimadi; Chuck Sutton, former Executive Producer, “Show Time at the Apollo” and currently Vice President of Synematics Corp.; Dr. Theodore Burke and Professor Carrie Waites, Norfolk State University School  of Social Work; and Kermit  Eady, social worker, economic and business development specialist and founder of Black United Fund of New York and now Eady Associates.

While the need for social workers and social work agencies have increased significantly due to cut backs in federal funding and declining corporate contributions, human service agencies in many parts of the country have been devastated. The increase in conflicts and pressure created by a society that seems to have lost its humanity has created a need for human service technicians, perhaps far greater now than at any other time in our history.

This decrease in funding has also created a loss in jobs, affordable housing, inadequate health care, and increases in drug, alcohol and child abuse. Human services are necessary to have a sane society, and for Black, minority and low-income people, who never ever had much of these services to begin with, the pressures of everyday life are almost unbearable.

The job market in this helping profession is also at an all time low for African Americans, all leading to a lack of much needed services in underclass communities. As part of its long-term strategy to leverage technology to educate and empower African American communities and young professionals, Eady Associates along with The Norfolk State University School of Social Work, conducted a two day distant-learning seminar for social work students, “Community/Economic Development: Social Entrepreneurship”.

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Eady’s model teaches Universal/Spiritual laws and principles buttressed by Black entrepreneurs telling their stories on how they developed their businesses. It was easy to demonstrate the laws and principles that the entrepreneurs followed, even though they may not have realized the existence of such laws. Bottom line: Follow the laws and principles; a modicum of success is imminent.

At the beginning of the seminar, Professor Theodore Burke gave an informative and inspiring lecture, “Community and Neighborhood Empowerment through Social Work Methodologies”. Dr. Burke stressed different methodologies of social intervention used when trying to bring about social change. Most importantly, he stressed economic and political power as a means to create community empowerment.

Dr. Jefferies then set the stage for all the entrepreneurs that followed by giving a historical prospective on African/Black entrepreneurship utilizing the theme, “The Road Not Taken; The Economic Imperative of African History, A System Analysis”. Dr. Jeffries taught that Black people were always in business, but more from a communal sense than from a capitalist “dog eat dog” prospective. He stressed that after African Americans demonstrated for the right to ride the bus during the sixties’ struggle, we failed to buy the bus. “We must have our economic, cultural and political freedoms if we are ever to be free”, said Jefferies.

As Kermit Eady expounded on twelve Universal/Spiritual laws and principles, he urged the students to identify the laws and principles utilized by each presenter as they elaborated on how they developed their businesses.

Eady talked about the importance of following these laws and principles: faith, sowing and reaping, forgiveness, truth, relationships, vision, change, action, thought, command, persistence and love. He emphasized that these are just some of the laws and principals, and in his Empowerment Institute these laws and others are delved into in more detail.

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Eady discussed how the building of the Black United Fund of New York starting with $8,000 grew to over $100 million in assets over a period of over 25 years. This was due to the adherence to universal laws and principles. Faculty and students were encouraged that they too can do the same.

As Milton Allimadi told his story, he shared how a trusted employee had stolen money from his organization and, without even knowing about the law of forgiveness, he forgave this person; later the same individual helping his business grow at a phenomenal rate.

Miss Terrie Williams gave an astounding presentation on what it takes to be successful. In her presentation, public relations guru Williams displayed how she had incorporated most of the laws in her own personal growth and development. She emphasized that: one should always keep their word; remember to give back; and, always be kind and respectful to everyone and to be persistent. 

Miss Williams also stressed the need to form and to establish continuous relationships. She said, for example, that although she has an agent and normally receives thousands of dollars for her speaking engagements, she was presenting at the Eady seminar without pay because Kermit Eady, someone she had established a relationship with many years earlier, had asked her to appear. Williams expressed her love and joy of sharing with and helping Black students.

Chuck Sutton comes from one of the most famous and powerful entrepreneurial Black dynasties in America, of which former Manhattan Borough President, Percy Sutton is the patriarch. The Sutton family exemplifies what it means to be persistent. The renovation and management of The Apollo Theater, the establishment of the Apollo Foundation, Inner City Broadcasting and other stations across the country, Queens Inner City Cable, are due to the stalwart inner drive of this family.

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Chuck spoke about the principle that Mr. Sutton has used for decades, following his “gut”, which merely equates to following your spirit, or listening to that small still voice within. He also discussed other Black families that developed a great history of entrepreneurship such as the Bronner brothers and John Merrick.  

Finally, Professor Burke observeds: “Kermit Eady and his associates provided a truly inspirational impact for our students and faculty relative to our schools proposed new distance education course on Social and Community Empowerment Entrepreneurship in African American Communities. The extensive knowledge generously provided by both Kermit Eady and Dr. Leonard Jefferies, Miss Terrie Williams, Mr. Milton Allimadi, and Mr. Chuck Sutton represented a tremendous  outpouring of talent, time and expertise. This was a match up that created dynamic synergy that could be felt in three different locations connected by electronic magic. Kermit Eady played an integral and dynamic consultative role from inception to fruition in this historic field test for our School.”

He also added: “Kermit Eady can be justifiably proud of being the developmental consultant to our school’s first ever three-state distance education field test in March 2007.”

This distant-learning seminar would not have been possible without the great work done by Mr. Courtney Mitchell, Technical Coordinator, Norfolk State University School of Social Work who made everything possible by keeping everyone on tract with the needed technology, and Professor Carrie Waites who kept everything in prospective and always moving. 

This model for business development can be used in all areas, not just in social work, but for all aspects of your life and is necessary for every one’s personal growth and development.

For Additional Information about Eady Associates, the Empowerment Institute or bringing the distance-learning seminar to your campus please call 1-888-538-9803 or visit



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