Dismissing Strauss-Kahn Case Grave Injustice

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..your office can easily get away with dismissing the above-captioned indictment, without any adverse political consequences, if there is a gap between moral law and public law.

[Op-Ed: Letter]

August 19, 2011
Cy Vance, Manhattan District Attorney
One Hogan Place
New York, NY 10013
Re:  People v. Dominique Strauss-Khan
Dear Mr. Vance:

I am submitting signatures on petitions from persons who are concerned about the fate of the above-captioned criminal prosecution.  You should also expect to receive online petitions.  I am not an elected official nor am I a leader of any organization whose membership seeks self-determination.

This case is scheduled to appear on the court calendar of the Manhattan Supreme Court on August 23.  Your office has publicly threatened to dismiss a well-founded indictment.  In honesty, Blacks in New York City, including Black lawyers and Black lawmakers, are unaware of the grand jury process or the powers of a district attorney.  There is also no understanding of the relationship between criminal law and tort law.

That being the case, your office can easily get away with dismissing the above-captioned indictment, without any adverse political consequences, if there is a gap between moral law and public law.  I hope, however,  that the words of Dr. Martin L. King, Jr. will play a major role in your decision.  “An injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere”. 
Very truly yours,
Alton H. Maddox, Jr.                   

United African Movement
ALTON H. MADDOX, JR.        
TEL.: (718) 834-9034
FAX : (718) 884-8241
P.O. BOX 35
BRONX, NY 10471


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