Diaspora Sierra Leoneans, Pressing Accounting Of “Embezzled” EBOLA Funds, Urge Boycott of Official

Sierra Leone President Ernest Bai Koroma shown with President Obama–critics demand full government accounting for Ebola funds 


We have evidence to suggest that a letter of invitation to a meeting from the Sierra Leone Embassy in the United States of America, targeting leaders of Sierra Leonean organizations in the United States, is making the rounds.

The meeting is scheduled to take place on Saturday, May 23rd, 2015 at the Embassy Chancery Building.

The subject heading of the letter is, “Meeting with Mr. Abdulai Bayraytay, National Publicity and outreach coordinator, office of the government spokesman,” and the ostensible purpose of the meeting is to seek input from Sierra Leoneans in the Diaspora “on the way forward in the Post-Ebola Recovery Programmes,” as well as on “issues of Democracy and Good Governance in Sierra Leone.”

Concerned Sierra Leoneans sense nothing more than a cheap public relations stunt here. It is counterintuitive to have someone like Bayraytay come to the United States to discuss with Diaspora Sierra Leoneans the all-important issues of Ebola and post-Ebola recovery in our country, and democracy and good governance. This is a clear indication of the lack of seriousness in our government’s handling of national issues. We also sense a total disregard for the citizens of our country who have been demanding answers to their questions about the embezzled Ebola funds.

What has the government done about the national auditor’s report? How can any serious Sierra Leonean listen to a government spokesman talk about Ebola when nothing has been done to account for the Ebola funds? This is a ploy to distract attention from the massive corruption in the handling of the Ebola funds.

If the government does not care to answer the burning questions of citizens in the country, why come here to talk about Post-Ebola Recovery Programmes? The people want the Ebola funds RECOVERED first before talking about any other recovery.

Abdulai Bayraytay is here to seek input from Diaspora Sierra Leoneans on issues of Democracy and Good Governance? How about the unconstitutional firing of the elected Vice President of Sierra Leone, Alhaji Sam-Sumana?

A government mouthpiece from a place that trampled on the human rights of 12 citizens from Kono by unlawfully arresting and incarcerating them since 2014; and has just recently arrested and incarcerated peaceful protesters in Freetown and Kenema is here to talk about democracy? A government mouthpiece who symbolizes
the loudest echo chamber of concocted lies and buzz words geared at the International Community is here to talk about Good Governance?

Abdulai Bayraytay who stands firm by a medical emergency that has been constantly used as an excuse to victimize peaceful citizens is here to talk about Good Governance? If this is not a travesty, then what is?

We believe that the goal of this meeting is to divert attention from the efforts of Concerned Sierra Leoneans to bring to the consciousness of the International Community the spate of massive corruption and the disintegration of the rule of law in President Ernest Bai Koroma’s Sierra Leone.

We urge all Sierra Leoneans who support the rule of law, accountability, democracy and good governance to stay away from this sham. This is not a genuine attempt by the government to address these important issues, but a ploy to divert attention from its bad rule and corruption.


From: The National Coordinating Team Concerned Sierra Leoneans, USA