Demonstration Saturday: Activists To Denounce NBC’s SNL For Embracing Donald Trump

By Special To The Black Star News

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Even after insulting Mexicans with racist comments SNL has offered Trump a platform

Saturday Nov. 7th, immigrant groups are rallying in Rockefeller Plaza to Protest Trump’s offensive statements and denounce SNL and NBC for giving him a platform to promote his anti-immigrant agenda.

Since launching his presidential campaign, Donald Trump has made a series of comments that have denigrated Mexican-Americans and immigrants. He has disparaged Mexican immigrants as “rapists” and “criminals,” used the offensive term “anchor baby,” and issued a plan that includes separating millions of immigrant families.

Please join us as we rally against Donald Trump and his anti-immigrant rhetoric and policies.

WHEN: Saturday, November 7th, 2015, 6PM (immediately prior to SNL filming).

WHERE: Protesters will gather at 725 5th Avenue and then march to the Saturday Night Live Studio located at 30 Rockefeller Plaza on West 49th Street in Manhattan

WHO: Make the Road New York, Hispanic Federation, National Hispanic Leadership Agenda (NHLA), America’s Voice, CUNY Dreamers, LULAC, the Labor Council for Latin America Advancement 

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