Dannie Makes Texas Proud

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Dannie: “Trust in God and he will help me through all life’s obstacles.â€?

Our Model Of The Day

Where She’s From: Beautiful Leo, Dannie Von, was born and raised in the lovely city of Austin, Texas.

“My real name is Danielle Evonne but I made it shorter—Dannie Von,” she tells The Black Star News. “The most important things I learned from my parents is to be myself and never to let anyone make me believe that I can’t do something. Trust in God and he will help me through all life’s obstacles.”

Where She’s At: This Texas beauty just launched her modeling career about eight months ago, but one look is enough to convince anyone that she’s heading far—very far. “I feel that I am well on my way to success; the industry has welcomed me with open arm,” she says. “I feel like this is definitely where I want to be. I would love to walk the runway in Paris and Milan or be a part of Fashion week in New York. I just want to experience all the aspects of the fashion and modeling world.”

Dannie says good looks need to be combined with a game plan and brains to make it in the industry. “It’s important so that people will take you seriously and know that you are about business and believe that you more that a pretty face or a nice body. I want people to know that I am smart and have a good head on my shoulders. I’m a go getter.”

And how does this beauty prepare to step outside? “Believe it or not, I am a pro active addict,” she confides to The Black Star. “My skin seems to go through weird changes and pro active is always there to save the day. I don’t really have a favorite brand of clothing. I just like to take bits and pieces from different stores and create my own unique look. My favorite perfume would have to be Very  Sexy by Victoria’s Secret because that’s just what it does; makes me feel very sexy. The thing I love the most are shoes; no particular brand, just shoes, shoes, shoes. I have over a hundred pairs.”

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Dannie’s Words Of Wisdom: “Live life to the fullest! Laugh everyday and never second guess your potential to do anything. Love yourself!”
Dannie’s Secrets Of Success: “Being myself and always going the extra mile to make something just right. Knowing that there’s nothing I can’t do if I put my mind to it.”
Dannie’s Favorite Three Movies: “My all time favorite movie would have to Beauty and the Beast. It is  the perfect fairy tale. Love Jones would also top my list and Poetic Justice. I’m a sucker for love stories.”
Dannie’s Favorite Three Books: “Nervous, by Zane; Thong on Fire, by Noire; and also The Coldest Winter Ever. I love the urban book genre.”
First Three Things Dannie Would Do As President: “I would build me a shopping mall connected to the white house and move all of my close family and friends in with me. No really, I would raise the minimum wage to like $15.00 per hour. That way there wouldn’t be any struggling families and people having to live pay check to pay check. Then I would bring our soldiers home. I lost someone very very close to me in the war and I know other people have to. It’s a tragic situation that I would like to see over. Lastly I would just want to strive to listen to the people of my country and really make there voices count.”
Dannie’s Favorite Musicians: “I love R&B; some of my favorite artists? Heather Headley- In my Mind; Keisha Cole-all her music; and, last but not least R. Kelly; almost every song he’s written.”

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To learn more about this dedicated young talent and beauty please visit http://www.myspace.com/dannievon

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