Congressman Bowman Issues Statement On Westchester County School, Library Board Elections

By Office of Rep. Jamaal Bowman

Photos: YouTube Screenshots

WHITE PLAINS, NY — After school districts across Westchester County held elections for school board and library board seats yesterday, as well as votes on school district budgets, Congressman Jamaal Bowman issued the following statement:

“I want to congratulate all candidates for school and library board seats who ran in yesterday’s Westchester County elections. Stepping up to serve your community in a public-facing position takes a great deal of sacrifice, and regardless of the outcome, all candidates who sought board seats to better support their community’s needs should be proud of their work.

I particularly want to uplift the work of the dozens of candidates across Westchester who answered the call to run in the face of increasing pressure from far-right MAGA Republicans. Our school and library boards must be spaces where adults come together to make thoughtful, educated, and productive policy choices to better enable our children to grow, learn, and thrive — not places where extremism, hatred, and inflammatory rhetoric run unchecked at the expense of our kids. From the elimination of the critical role of the Director of Curriculum, Instruction, Equity, and Belonging in Elmsford earlier this month to the influx of far-right extremist candidates in last night’s elections, the poison of MAGA politics is infiltrating our democracy and our community on every level, and we must make it clear that hatred and disinformation are unacceptable here. Our schools, our community, and our children deserve better.”

Congressman Jamaal Bowman was an educator and advocate for public schools for over 20 years and previously served as principal for the Cornerstone Academy for Social Action (CASA), a public middle school he founded in 2009 in the Baychester neighborhood of The Bronx. Rep. Bowman is a life-long New Yorker who lives in Yonkers with his wife and children.

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