Given the disappointing abandonment of journalistic standards and the debasing of American journalism by its corporate masters at the New York Times, the Washington Post, and other major print media, and the Rupert Murdoch-ization of the rest, your subheading "New York’s Leading Investigative Newspaper" might well read "New York’s ONLY Investigative Newspaper".
Letter To The Publisher:
A few evenings ago on the Internet, I happened to come across the column by Colin Benjamin, a member of your editorial board, in Black Star News on 2/12/02 addressing the “Scooter” Libby trial, the treasonous and morally corrupt activities carried out by the Cheney/Bush White House, and the failures of American journalism in protecting our democracy.
With the possible exceptions of columns by Sidney Blumenthal, Joe Conason, Frank Rich, and Paul Krugman, I have yet to read a more clearly stated, strongly worded, and honestly expressed opinion than that presented by Mr. Benjamin – – in any newspaper. Congratulations on telling the story exactly as it is with out hedging, euphemism, or journalistic cowardice.
I have only two comments: Rather than raising the question as Mr. Benjamin has done, I would assert that the point is more firmly made in the affirmative: The mainstream media have indeed “abrogated their responsibility as credible seekers of truth by being too cozy with those on control of the reins of power”. And the failure of our media goes much farther back in time than recent events.
I would further add that this is especially true of the Washington Press Corps, and virtually all of the TV broadcast media, particularly cable TV. This assertion is glaringly evident with regard to the relation of the media not only to our politicians in the Capitol, but to the corporate media owners as well.
Given the disappointing abandonment of journalistic standards and the debasing of American journalism by its corporate masters at the New York Times, the Washington Post, and other major print media, and the Rupert Murdoch-ization of the rest, your subheading “New York’s Leading Investigative Newspaper” might well read “New York’s ONLY Investigative Newspaper”.
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