Biden Gives Lip-Service About “Complicity” With Anti-Semitism. Isn’t He Complicit In Netanyahu’s Gaza Genocide?

By Black Star News Editorial

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Black Star News Editorial

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President Joe Biden pretended to be speaking with moral authority Sunday when he said Americans must speak out against the “alarming surge of anti-Semitism” because “silence is complicity.”

Biden’s statement comes as Columbia College students are being punished and censored because of their protests against the ethnic cleansing mass murders being committed by Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu. Those who are perpetrating the extermination of Palestinians love hiding behind the anti-Semitic charge—especially to silence and censor any criticism of Israel’s conduct.

If “silence is complicity,” what about those who silently arm murderous monsters who commit genocide?

Biden’s two-faced deceitful comments are discreditable. Moreover, does this president realize his actions, in aiding-and-abetting Netanyahu is actually helping anti-Semitism thrive? The continued killing of Palestinians will be argued by those folks as proof of what they say about Jewish people. This despite the reality that there are Jewish people, students, and organizations who daily denounce the actions of butcher Netanyahu.

The Democratic Party, especially the leadership, is being exposed on this issue as being complicit in the crimes of Netanyahu, who is reportedly fearful arrest warrants will be issued for him, and others in the Israeli government, by the International Criminal Court.

Most Democrats are afraid of the AIPAC lobby, (called by one Democrat a “cancerous presence on our democracy”) and the other big money donors linked to Jewish sources.

This reality is very helpful to those who promote the claim that Jews control the world.

By not taking principle stands against those Jewish individuals and organizations who are sponsoring the genocide of Palestinians, politicians, like Biden, make many of those “anti-Semitic” assertions appear true.

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Unfortunately, American politicians sellout their morality for campaign donations. So, it is oxymoronic to expect most of our politicians to put humane principles first.

Biden is banking on the fact that the Israeli lobby will reward him for standing faithfully by Israel’s side. Therefore, he gallingly grandstands with rhetoric about complicity with anti-Semitism as the bombs continue to rain down death and destruction on Palestinians.

Here is an important question in regard to the often-used anti-Semitic phrase. Is the term Semitic only synonymous with Jewish people?

There are many people who are connected to the Semitic language family—including Arabs. So, could we call Israel’s slaughter of Palestinians anti-Semitism against Semitic Arabs?

But history apparently means little to people who twist truth for their own devious devices.

This lack of historical context is also why many in politics, and media, ignore the fact that the genesis of the Palestine-Israel conflict is rooted in the taking of Palestinian land and their continued oppression, since 1948.

Humans of conscience should all denounce any kind of prejudice. Black African people understand American and Western racism and oppression through our collective suffering. This is why most of Black America, while sympathizing with what Jewish people have suffered, are also speaking up for the humanity of Palestinians.

Here’s a parting question for President Biden: while you mouth off about anti-Semitism, why aren’t you talking about the anti-Palestinian hate your friend Benjamin Netanyahu has shown murdering over 34,000 Palestinians—and counting?


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