Sherrilyn A. Ifill


Senate Unfairly Blocks Adegbile’s Confirmation For Having Worked On Mumia’s Defense

Debo Adegbile [Op-Ed] I am deeply disappointed that the United States Senate failed to confirm Debo Adegbile for the position of Assistant Attorney General ...


Attacks Against Debo Adegbile And NAACP LDF Are Unfair

Debo Adegbile [Commentary] Debo Adegbile is an excellent choice to be the next Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights.  He is eminently qualified. For ...


Even As Obama Commutes Long Sentences, Rockefeller Law’s Repeal Must Apply Retroactively

President Obama does the right thing with commutations — much more needed [Op-Ed: Fair Sentencing] The NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc. applauds ...