Philip Matogo

manhunt for unknown persons who allegedly raided a police station 33km outside Kampala, shooting two policemen dead

Museveni’s Violent Uganda Starting To Spiral Out of Control

Photos: YouTube A joint security team in Luwero district Tuesday launched a manhunt for unknown persons who allegedly raided a police station 33km outside ...

over a dozen Uganda People’s Defence Forces soldiers tragically died after a helicopter they were in crashed

Board of Inquiry Into Latest UDPF Plane Crash Will Yield Nothing

Photos: YouTube Only days ago, over a dozen Uganda People’s Defence Forces soldiers tragically died after a helicopter they were in crashed in eastern ...

Gen. Museveni retired over 50 top Uganda People's Defence Forces (UPDF) officials as well as generals

Uganda’s “Papa Doc” Museveni And “Baby Doc” Muhoozi Retire Soldiers

Photos: YouTube Today, Gen. Museveni retired over 50 top Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF) officials as well as generals at the State House, Entebbe. ...

What will a post-Museveni Uganda be like?

Uganda: Restoring Political Sanity After Dictator Museveni

Photos: YouTube What will a post-Museveni Uganda be like? We often talk about a Post-Museveni Uganda without discussing what shape such a dispensation will ...

The appointment of the opposition Democratic Party leader Norbert Mao to the position of minister of Justice and Constitutional

Uganda: Dictator Museveni Wants “Opposition” Leader To Help Coronate Inept Son Gen. Muhoozi

Photos: YouTube Norbert Mao: The Junta’s Battering Ram The appointment of the opposition Democratic Party leader Norbert Mao to the position of minister of ...