Repub­lican insiders — testi­fy­ing to what we all suspec­ted from the start: Donald Trump knew he had lost.

Focus On The Big Lie, Not The Big Liar

Photos: YouTube\Twitter The Janu­ary 6 commit­tee heard witnesses on Monday — all Repub­lican insiders — testi­fy­ing to what we all suspec­ted from the start: ...

On Monday, the House Select Commit­tee to Invest­ig­ate the Janu­ary 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol

January 6 Hearings, Trump’s Big Lie, And The Ongoing Damage To American Democracy

Photos: YouTube On Monday, the House Select Commit­tee to Invest­ig­ate the Janu­ary 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol held the second of several public ...

The House committee must expose and repudiate the ongoing efforts to undermine American elections

January 6th Committee Must Expose Ongoing Efforts By MAGA Trump Terrorists To Overthrew American Democracy

Photos: Screenshot\YouTube Thursday night in the first of a series of public hear­ings, the House Select Commit­tee to Invest­ig­ate the Janu­ary 6th Attack on ...

This Thursday night, ABC, CBS, and NBC will air the first public January 6th Committee hearing on the insurrection and its origi

What Really Happened On January 6 On Capitol Hill?

Photos: YouTube This Thursday night, ABC, CBS, and NBC will air the first public January 6th Committee hearing on the insurrection and its origins. ...

Undermining American Elections

Undermining American Elections From Within And Without

Photos: Wikimedia Commons When Donald Trump called Geor­gia Secret­ary of State Brad Raffen­sper­ger to demand that he “find 11,780 votes, which is one more ...

New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Inc. v. Bruen challenges a 1913 New York law limiting who can carry a concealed weapon

Will U.S. Supreme Court Undermine NY Gun Laws In Upcoming Ruling?

Photos: YouTube\C-SPAN\Screenshot\ACLU Another Supreme Court decision may soon send shock waves. It’s the first time the justices will rule on what the Second Amendment ...

President Barack Obama and Citizen’s United

Obama Was Right About Citizens United

Photos: Twitter\Obama Presidential Library In Janu­ary 2010, just days after the Supreme Court ruled in Citizens United, Pres­id­ent Obama stood before Congress to deliver ...

this budget falls short when it comes to crim­inal justice. By rolling back progress on bail reform

New York Budget Backslides On Bail Reform, Moves Forward On Campaign Financing Reform

Photos:Twitter\YouTube\NYCLU Friday, New York State lawmakers enacted budget legis­la­tion for fiscal year 2023, includ­ing $20.5 million for the new statewide small donor public finan­cing ...

Ginni and Clarence Thomas

Ginni Thomas Texts Show Why The Supreme Court Needs A Code Of Conduct

Photos: YouTube\Screenshot\Facebook\Supreme Court The facts are simple yet jaw-drop­ping: Between the Novem­ber 2020 elec­tion and the Janu­ary 6 insur­rec­tion, Ginni Thomas texted White House ...

U.S. polit­ics are tilted — undeni­ably tilted, disgrace­fully tilted — in favor of wealthy donors.

New York: This Is A Big Week For Campaign Finance Reform

Photos: Brennan Center\Sen. Jason Lewis U.S. polit­ics are tilted — undeni­ably tilted, disgrace­fully tilted — in favor of wealthy donors. New York State is ...