lawmakers voted to over­ride County Exec­ut­ive Steve Bellone’s veto of IR 1416, announced last week.

LI’s Suffolk County Legislature Repeals Public Financing Program

Photos: Wikimedia Commons\YouTube Tuesday in the Suffolk County Legis­lature, (on Long Island, New York) lawmakers voted to over­ride County Exec­ut­ive Steve Bellone’s veto of ...

Black Star News, baseless MAGA claims of widespread vote fraud, election results in 2022 and beyond, false narrative of widespre

Election Integrity: 2020 Election Deniers Organizing To Challenge Votes In 2022

Photos: YouTube Several former Trump advisers and offi­cials who promoted base­less claims of wide­spread vote fraud and worked to over­turn the 2020 elec­tion ahead ...

Black Star News, baseless MAGA claims of widespread vote fraud, election results in 2022 and beyond, false narrative of widespre

Election Integrity: 2020 Election Deniers Organizing To Challenge Votes In 2022

Photos: YouTube Several former Trump advisers and offi­cials who promoted base­less claims of wide­spread vote fraud and worked to over­turn the 2020 elec­tion ahead ...

It was a planned insur­rec­tion from the very begin­ning, and Donald Trump knew it.

Jan 6 Was An Orchestrated Coup Attempt By Donald Trump

Photos: YouTube The Janu­ary 6 commit­tee’s latest hear­ing left no room for doubt: Janu­ary 6 was not a peace­ful protest that got out of ...

the Big Lie and the ongo­ing damage it is inflict­ing on our demo­cracy are not going away.

5 State Laws Based On Voter Fraud Myths

Photos: ACLU\Project Vote As the Janu­ary 6 commit­tee hear­ings have made clear, the attack on the Capitol was fueled by false claims of voter ...

Mass incar­cer­a­tion — a term now entrenched in the popu­lar lexicon — is prov­ing remark­ably resist­ant to well-inten­tioned

How Perverse Financial Exploitation Sustains America’s Mass Incarceration Problem

Photos: ACLU\YouTube Bipar­tisan efforts to change the crim­inal justice system have gained momentum around the coun­try in recent years. Nearly all 50 states, many ...

persist­ent effort to illeg­ally access elec­tion systems that could be used in 2022 and 2024.

Illegal Attempts To Access Voting Machines Didn’t Stop With Jan. 6

Photos: YouTube While the Janu­ary 6 commit­tee has rightly focused on the crim­inal conspir­acy to over­turn the 2020 elec­tion, it is crit­ical to remem­ber ...

Last week’s Supreme Court rulings on abortion and guns shook the country.

Originalism Running Amok Inside The U.S. Supreme Court

Photos: SCOTUS\Harvard\Twitter Last week’s Supreme Court rulings on abortion and guns shook the country. Both rely on a radical approach to how to read ...

The Most Dangerous Gun Ruling In History, At The Worst Possible Time

Photos: YouTube\Twitter The Supreme Court’s ruling on Thursday strik­ing down a New York gun law isn’t just the most signi­fic­ant ruling on the Second ...

century-old law that was struck down in New York State Rifle & Pistol Assoc. v. Bruen, which required those seek­ing “concealed

The Most Dangerous Gun Ruling In History, At The Worst Possible Time

Photos: YouTube\Twitter The Supreme Court’s ruling on Thursday strik­ing down a New York gun law isn’t just the most signi­fic­ant ruling on the Second ...