US Politics

US Politics

Census Bureau Launches Online Mapping Tool

In 2000, 72 percent of households that received a form mailed it back. The mail participation rate is a new measure designed to give ...

WEEN Teams With Wyclef on Haiti

A water and aid initiative

NYC Haitian Politico Rallies Support

“This earthquake is a huge blow to a nation already struggling with great adversity, and I am deeply saddened by it,” said the Council ...

Taking The Movement Out Of The Obama White House

Jones being forced out will not mollify the racists, crazies, tea baggers, Republican congresspeople and other assorted conservative freakshows

Racial Profiling: Whole Sale “Criminals”

“Shut the fuck up and give us the drugs,” one man shouted at me. A black-clad female reached into the car and grabbed my ...

Democrats: Stand Up And Deliver HealthCare Reform

If a popular president like Barack Obama can’t get Congress to support a comprehensive health coverage program for all Americans, no other president will ...

Sgt. Crowley Was Stupid; But President Can’t Say That

Sgt. Crowley asked Gates to step outside. The professor identified himself, stepped outside, and was then promptly arrested for "disorderly conduct," which, in this ...

Young Harlem Students Learn Marketing Skills

Principal Beverly Lewis—who joined the partnership after stepping into her job in 2004—said that the annual program—called “The Future Marketers Program”—has been transformative in ...


Story about murders

Education: Recognizing Harlem Schools

CA’s relationship with TAG was made possible by the nonprofit organization PENCIL ( PENCIL creates partnerships between business leaders and principals to inspire innovative ...