Alonna Masters Her Craft

“Right now I believe that I’ve mastered my craft,� Alonna says. “ I know how to do my job well.

[Black Star Talent]

Where She’s From: Alonna James, a Capricorn, was born in Washington D.C at the army hospital there.  “I was born into a family with both my parents in the army, so I guess that makes me an army brat,” the beautiful model tells The Black Star News. “What most don’t know is that a little brother followed about a year later.”

“I call Baltimore, Maryland, my home because that’s where I’ve lived on and off most of my life and where my father’s side of the family lives. My mother’s side of the family lives in Puerto Rico and I did spend many summers there as a child,” she continues.

“Growing up my father was the more stern parent and my mom was the more relaxed, go with the flow, but with structure type,” she adds. “I did get a sense of structure from both parents. My father helped to instill more discipline in to my daily life and my mother taught me how to live to the best of my potential and weigh out the pros and cons along the way. My parents divorced when I was young, but it really never affected me in a bad way. I do believe it helped me to adjust better to new and different locations and circumstances.”

Where She’s At: The military life meant several moves and Alonna went to five different high schools. Two years ago, she decided she needed a change and moved to Florida to be with her mother. “There I decided to try my hand at something different,” she says. “I had modeled on and off since I was 14 years old, but this time decided to go at it full time and full steam ahead.” And the fashion world was blessed with that decision.

“Right now I believe that I’ve mastered my craft,” Alonna says. “ I know how to do my job well.  I do believe that I am still progressing though because there is more that I’m capable of doing and I want to explore more. In this industry it’s hard to say what will happen.  I can say that I would love to get into acting.”

“I have to pick and choose my battles wisely,” Alonna tells The Black Star, when asked how she deals with challenges. “Although I may lose a battle or throw in the towel, it doesn’t mean that I’ve lost the war. I go to my mom often for advice and for her help to weigh out the pros and cons for whatever I’m dealing with. I also have a few close friends who are always there to give me a swift kick in the butt to get me back on track.”

“I believe that a beautiful face may get you in the door, but it’s what comes out of your mouth that will keep you there.  Ultimately I think people have a greater respect for those that have something intelligent to say, have a plan, and work every day toward something better.”

“ I’m not big in to brand name anything,” she says, when asked how she prepares to step out. “If it looks nice I’ll probably buy it. I do wear MAC make-up and that’s mainly because they carry a color that I can put straight on without having to mix several different shades to achieve my skin tone and it doesn’t irritate my skin. Shoes are a passion for me, but brand is something I’m a little pickier with when it comes down to it. I’ve discovered that the more pricey shoes tend to be the ones with the better fit, last longer, and have the heel and shape I like best.”

Alonna’s Words Of Wisdom: “All that glitters isn’t gold.”
Alonna’s Secrets Of Success:  “Plan carefully, research, and take it step by step. Don’t let anyone rush you.” 
Alonna’s Favorite Three Movies: “What Dreams May Come, Memoirs of a Geisha, Sixth Sense.”
Alonna’s Favorite Book: “Wuthering Heights.”
Alonna’s Favorite Cars: “Bentley Continental GT coupe.  I just love the style. I also love SUVs so a Cadillac Escalade is on the list.”

Alonna’s Five Favorite websites:
“Of course
of course,”

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