A Recipe For Winning The Global Socioeconomic Race War

By Black Economics

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By Dr. Brooks Robinson\ Black Economics.org website.

Photos: Britannica\Facebook\YouTube Screenshots\Wikimedia Commons

This will serve as a delicious, soothing, and filling stew that will warm and comfort you on a cool
and early autumn morning, afternoon, or evening. Its consumption will reveal a plan for winning
the global socioeconomic race war. This stew is a complex combination of history, economics,
and culture. It is satisfying because it helps explain our world, and it provides a peaceful approach
for realizing a favorable future. While designed specifically for Black Americans, it is certain to
be meaningful for people worldwide. It reflects the scholarly work of mainly Black thinkers who
sought to help us comprehend our world more completely.

Our first ingredient is “love.” To be honest, even at a mature age, we remain conflicted by this
thing called love. We are torn between the religious ideal conveyed in its most popular form as
expressed by the Apostle Paul in Corinthians I, Chapter 13 where “love” is equated with “charity”
and a full characterization of it is given, and why we should practice such love in a world designed
to ensure our speedy demise. We certainly do not count ourselves among those who turn the other
cheek. However, this stew can help us digest this unsettling and seemingly illogical aspect of love.

What we have not been conflicted about at all when considering love during this lifetime is
“lovemaking.” The first law of nature establishes self-preservation as preeminent. Not only in the
event of physical attacks, but also in the very nature of the human biology that elevates sex to, or
near, the top shelf of our mental pantry from our youth until the end of life itself. Simply put,
procreation can serve as a preoccupation.

Uncertainties about love may be resolved by wedding the above described two characterizations:
Love as charity and lovemaking. At a certain youthful age, we came to think of a marriage
announcement as two parties agreeing to join forever in lovemaking. They had found each other
so delightfully delicious and desirable that they would forsake all the other enticing potential
dishes in their environment to eat the same dish forever. In our small mind at the time, it had
nothing to do with charity. Now we realize that it is essential to combine lovemaking with love as
charity to ensure that the one meal remains delightfully delicious and appetizing forever.

Here we add to the stew Black American culture that acknowledges that a sizable portion of
Afrikans who entered North America through the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade were from West
Afrika. Accordingly, at least two points are germane. First, many of us were from Islamic or other
traditions that permitted males to engage multiple females in sexual relationships on a religiously
and culturally acceptable basis. Second, some of us are from matrilineal cultures where females
dominated. In the latter case, it was not uncommon for females to engage multiple males in socially acceptable sexual relationships. In fact, our memory recalls that both conditions were transparent
in the small subcommunity in our boyhood hometown in Florida. It was well-known that Mr. So
& So was the father of offspring with his wife in his household, but he also fathered offspring here
and there. This situation was once explained as not only an extended expression of the vestiges of
our Afrikan culture, but it was one of the few expressions permitted for Black males—especially
in the South—to display the power of manhood. Admittedly, it was less apparent that Black women
expressed vestiges of African matrilineal cultures. However, it was not exceptionally rare or
difficult to find females who never took the matrimonial oath and who did not restrict themselves
to one male partner. Even today, it is not difficult to find households with evidence of a fluid role
for male partners and for the mother’s offspring to be the biological products of multiple male

Now let us enjoy a scholarly palate cleanser by going to the foremost Black American psychologist
of the latter part of the 20th century, Dr. Francis Cress Welsing. As you know, an effective
education should aid us in problem solving, and Dr. Welsing epitomizes this purpose for education.
She comprehended that the “mind” was, and is, one of the most important instruments associated
with the human body. She explored the mind (ours and that of our enemy) to comprehend how the
enemy’s mind was configured to dominate Black Americans and non-White People of the world.
Here, we limit our consideration of Dr. Welsing’s work to two topics: (1) The formulation of White
Supremacy as a concept and rallying point around which Whites came to dominate the world; and
(2) recognition that White Supremacy was and is inextricably linked to sexuality. Again, this is
just a palate cleanser before we continue with the stew. The cleanser is just the following takeaway:
Black People of the world, Black males in particular, have the power to dominate the world, not
by using violence to steal power as did Europeans, but by using love—both the lovemaking and
charitable varieties.

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Now for a special spice for the stew. It is an insight about which you may be familiar and a hint
that you will get from the stew. It is to be a subtle realization that is not overpowering, but it must
be recognized in the stew if the stew is to be fulfilling. This spice is derived from one phrase: “The
hand that rocks the cradle rules the nation.”
So simple, so subtle, so substantial in the poisonous
stew being fed to the world today. The intended purpose of adding this spice is to remind Black
and White males and females about a fundamental truth that has hidden a multitude of lies; yet it
is in plain sight. Drop the phrase in the stew, then ask: What has been the single occurrence that
has repeatedly sparked unconscionable, vicious, and egregiously violent attacks on Black
Americans by Whites? Alleged and actual prohibited sexual relations between Black males with
White females. One could argue that White males instilled a related foundational principle within
the ranks of White society; i.e., that White blood must remain pure and untainted at all costs, and
that White females cannot be contaminated by Blackness. White males’ roles in establishing this
foundational principle may be true to some extent. However, we should ask: Who is responsible
for teaching this foundational principle generation after generation? Who whispers to little White
children: “Jimmy, you must always and to the death protect your sister Tammy?” The narrative is
sustained when genders are reversed: “Tammy, you must swear to protect Jimmy to the death.”
Therefore, while Farrakhan was correct when he said during the 1995 Million Man March that
Black Americans’ problems have long emerged from the nation’s Capitol Building, we must not
overlook that the one who has shaped and sustained the mindset exhibited by US Legislators is the
one who rocks every cradle in White households.

Also, considering the phrase from a Black American vantage point, we cannot deny that Black
women rocked White and Black cradles. Are Black women guilty of drinking the White
Supremacy Kool-Aid? Cannot young Black boys and girls sense the favorable or fearful
pheromones that are emitted by their mothers upon meeting White males versus their own Black
male fathers? How do these pheromones affect the children when the mother engages with a father
who has been stripped of the power to operate as a father and male us typically comprehended?
Have Black American mothers lost their way—having become weary in the 400+ year struggle
and have adopted a “don’t care and don’t love attitude” toward their children? Do Black females
enjoy “lovemaking,” but fail to provide the charitable love that her children need as she rocks the
cradle? Does her cradle rocking exclude the following essential ingredients that can produce strong
Black boys and girls who can mature properly and continue the Black American struggle for
liberty: (i) High-quality care for her body, which produces Black babies; (ii) proper mental, social,
and psychological training for her children; (iii) efforts to block adverse thoughts and images from
reaching the minds of Black children through a ubiquitous media; (iv) provision of positive
reinforcement of the divinity of the Afrikan mind (a “we can do anything and everything
); (v) the display of love (lovemaking and charity) toward her children’s father so that
they will emulate that behavior during their adult life; (vi) implanting an unbreakable oath in the
hearts and minds of Black boys and girls to defend each other to the death; and (vii) etc.?

There is an ingredient to this stew that is scientific, fundamental, and essential. Without it, there
would be no stew at all. We characterize the ingredient as water. It is clear, odorless, and flavorless.
It is just truth. TMHEM said in the mythical/true story of Yacub with which you should be familiar:
“As a little boy, Yacub (the maker of the White race), showed his inclination toward science when
he discovered that “opposites attract.”
No flavor here, just the realization that without this simple
truth, the world as we know it might not exist. Why did Whites come out of Europe and down to
Afrika and struggle to gain dominion? Because they wanted “booty.” What was the most essential
element of the wide-ranging “booty.” The Black woman! In any event, this fundamental,
flavorless, but truthful ingredient enables the stew to simmer; allows the many flavors to meld;
and helps produce the stew that we are enjoying or suffering from today.

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So, we have our stew. As we eat the stew and seek fulfillment (i.e., solutions to the global
socioeconomic race war), what do we find? That science (as ordained by the Creator) has ruled all
along. We already explained that it was the attraction of opposites that helped place us where we
are today. That is a scientific reality. We can explain it using seemingly esoteric and academic
approaches. However, at bottom, White saw Black, wanted Black, strategized to have Black at
will, and implemented the strategy. This is largely why we are where we are today. In a phrase,
our socioeconomics reflect the results of efforts to satisfy (fulfill) natural or acquired tastes.

How should we eat the stew to live? First, comprehend the stew. We have provided the ingredients.
The flavor of the stew is well known. It is a 400-plus-year-old stew. Recognize the most
fundamental aspect of the stew—its science. Yes, White wanted to dominate Black so that White
could have Black at will. Today, a very important point about the stew is that, although Whites
had made every effort to convince themselves and the rest of the world that Black males were and
are unworthy of life on the planet (you know the tropes), Black males have always exhibited the
spirit and letter of the parting words of our great poet and thinker Maya Angelou: “And Yet We
Rise!” Black males began to rise so fast after the 1970s that little White boys and girls wanted to be athletes like Dr. J, Earvin, Mike, LeBron, Russel, and Lamar. They wanted to be rappers like
Tupac, Jay Z, and Ye. They wanted to be like brain surgeon Ben Carson. They wanted to be like
astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson. They wanted to be lawyers like Johnnie Cochran and Ben
Crump. They wanted to be comedians like Richard, Bill, Kevin, and Dave. They wanted to be like
CEOs Robert Johnson, Ken Chenault, David Stewart, and Robert A. Smith. They wanted to be
writers like Ta-Nehesi Coates. They wanted to be like the Black school principals and teachers,
coaches, preachers, doctors, lawyers, and dentists they finally encountered as part of everyday life
decades after Black America forced the nation’s hand to change or see it disappear under flames
of fire during a simmering 1968 summer. By January 2009, when the eloquent, dynamic, and
handsome Barack Obama with his stately wife Michelle and perfect daughters Malia and Sasha
strode into the People’s House, Whites everywhere got woke.

By the time Black America got woke after untold murders of Black males at the hands of Police
all across the country, which paused in the spring of 2020 when the Mr. George Floyd called for
his mother and told the world that we cannot breathe just before his death, Whites’ plans to
discredit Black males were well underway to ensure continuation of access to Black at will.

Remember that claims of sexual assault against Bill Cosby—”America’s favorite dad”—resurfaced
during 2014. The objective was, and is, to totally discredit Black males. To render Black males as
such pariahs that no one/no one wants to touch us with a 100-foot pole. Black economics Professor
Gregory Price, then of Morehouse College in Atlanta, hinted at the evolution of this outcome
nearly 14 years ago. And within the last few years, some of our richest and most famous have been
stripped and humiliated in public lynchings reminiscent of White necktie parties on Sunday
afternoons after morning worship in the South where Black males paid the ultimate price.
However, today’s “lynchings” are in plain view for the entire world to see. Why? Whites want
access to Black at will into perpetuity! Not only because “opposites attract.” It has gone beyond
that. Now it is an expression of pure greed and global domination. It is an effort to show global
mastery and to hide the fact that world history that most of the global population has come to know
and believe is false. That history is increasingly turned on its head to reveal that it was the “‘lowly’
Black man and woman” who developed and laid every facet of the multifaceted operational
foundation of the world: Agriculture, sociology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, technology,
astrology, medicine, the arts, culture, politics, economics, etc.

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As we conclude our meal, let us return to lovemaking and love. Love is the answer for Black
Americans (male and female) and for the world. Why? Because a widespread and earnest call for
love should be sufficient to halt unfolding plans engineered by Whites for widespread war where
many non-White People of the world stand to be slaughtered. Black and non-White People must
reject the madness, knowing that preservation of life is preeminent.

Our stew offers a love solution for the global race war—all wars for that matter. While we advocate
forcefully for Blacks and Whites to separate strategically to build up and preserve Black
socioeconomic life, we suggest reconsideration and potential augmentation of this strategy.
TMHEM reminded us that Black People are unique: We can produce Black, Brown, and White—
if phenotype is the issue—but Whites can only produce Whites. Therefore, Black Americans and
non-Whites the world over should consider engaging in a love war with Whites. We should
consider adopting a love strategy for saving Earth and humans based on Dr. Welsing’s revelations about the sexual-psychological relationship between males’ sex organs and guns. Importantly, the
war that we anticipate is neither a violent nor one-gender war. Both Black males and females, all
non-White males and females for that matter, should join with Whites at every opportunity to
produce as many non-Whites as possible. This would constitute a reversal of the type of genocides
about which we hear often. It would produce a beneficial genocide that thwarts those who have
nearly destroyed our planet because of their insecurity, haughtiness, and greed. Importantly, we
cannot overlook the fact that such a love war is already underway.

However, to win the socioeconomic race war, the lovemaking war should be accompanied by a
spiritual and mental war. Blacks and non-Whites should renew our minds and resurrect our
invaluable histories and cultures, which have never been properly shared with the world. We
should teach White males and females with whom we produce offspring our values and histories,
and submerge their violent, vicious, and destructive histories and values. Everyone who engages
in rocking cradles must do this relentlessly. This is the way that we can transform the world. Not
at the end of a gun barrel, but through lovemaking and love.

The wonderful and flavorful after taste of the stew calls to mind that in “X” generations, we can
totally remake the world to fulfill the saying: “As it was in the beginning, so shall it be in the end.”
If Blacks and non-Whites join with Whites prolifically and produce non-Whites, then humans will
increasingly take on a darker hue. But in addition to being darker in hue, we will also be richer in
mind, spirit, and in our comprehension of the importance of preserving our only Earth home.

It is said that humans were made different so that we could learn to comprehend and appreciate
each other. The just-described stew production process highlights how our differences have fed
drama that captivated and entranced the world for the span human history. The love about which
we speak can help conclude that story, save and preserve our Earth home, and initiate a new human
dispensation where the minimization of our differences will enable the maximization of our time,
energy, and effort to identify methods for becoming like those we adore—those thought to be
unseen beings with wonderful and loving powers. That is our raison d’etre and our destiny. Once
we achieve harmony at that level of existence, then we can ultimately achieve the outcomes that
Duke Ellington envisioned: The end of a need to turn the wheel time and a discontinuation of the
cycle of life itself. An end where there is: “No Heaven, No Earth, No Nothing.” Just PEACE!

Could a better stew have been served? Hopefully, it was enjoyable. Now we urge you to live it!

Dr. Brooks Robinson is the founder of the Black Economics.org website.