Zlitan: NATO’s Libyan War Crimes Massacre

Would the Times have ignored such massacres had these victims been White or would there have been a few front page stories and even editorials calling for an investigation of NATO and a ceasefire? Yet some people still talk about a "post-racial" America and world?

[Black Star Editorial]

Readers please view the attached video post and text from Global Research TV.  If you feel so inclined call The New York Times at (212) 556-1234 and ask for the Foreign News Editor, Greg Winter and for the Times’ Publisher Athur Ochs Sulzberger Jr. In the 21st century era of the Internet and online media, there is no reason why readers should tolerate the tyranny of misinformation and selective “journalism” as in the past.

Ask the Times’ Foreign News Editor and Publisher why the Times has not assigned one of its correspondents to cover this reported massacre of Libyan civilians by NATO in Zliten, Libya. NATO has resolved to achieve Nicholas Sarkozy’s determination for regime change –and to save his own re-election campaign in France– at any cost.

Sarkozy won his first presidential run when, in part, Muammar al-Quathafi reportedly subsidized his campaign; this time Sarkozy believes he can only win by killing al-Quathafi and conquering Libya. When was the last time Sarkozy, and his accomplices in the war of aggression on Libya, David Cameron and President Barack Obama, spoke about being in Libya to “save” civilians?

That would be a difficult sell after the reported killing of 85 civilians by NATO.

Also ask Editor Winter and Publisher Sulzberger why the Times has not sent a correspondent to Misurata to investigate the ethnic cleansing of Black Libyans reported in The Wall Street Journal on June 21. The Times only made sanitized reference to the ethnic cleansing this past Saturday, after weeks of several critical editorials by The Black Star News.

Would the Times have ignored such massacres had these victims been White; or would there have been a few front page stories and even editorials calling for an investigation of NATO and a ceasefire? Yet some people still delusionally talk about a “post-racial” America and world.

You may want to pose these questions to the Foreign News editor Winter and Publisher Sulzberger as well. Why do we even talk about having “free” and “objective” media in this country? If Libyan coverage can be this selective and corrupted, to conform with the interests of a newspaper’s editorial board or publisher –and the U.S. government’s –then what else are we not being informed about, or what are we being misinformed about, when it comes to domestic U.S issues here in this country?

You can rest assured that a newspaper cannot conduct selective and corrupted journalism somewhere and still be “objective” or balanced elsewhere in its coverage. So what does this say about a “major” newspaper, and the individual people who control it, when an executive decision can be made to ignore news about massacres simply because they would disrupt the pre-determined “narrative” of the Libyan story which is regime change at any cost?

Readers are the only people that can demand that media stop co-participating, as partners, with U.S. and NATO’s foreign policy agenda in Libya and to get back to reporting, even when the crimes are committed by NATO. This is even more critical when priorities should be recovering economies and jobs, including in the U.S. where 14 million people remain unemployed.

By demanding that the Times live up to higher standards of journalism, readers will also be helping the Times to liberate itself from the stench of its too-close association with the U.S. government’s agenda. Readers will also help free the “reporters” who are being forced to participate in the corporrate media news whiteout because they fear losing their paychecks.

Rep. Dennis Kucinich previously wrote a letter to the International Criminal Court (ICC) asking for the court to investigate NATO on possible war crimes. Call Rep. Kucinich at (202) 202-225-5871 and ask that he publicly call for the ICC to investigate NATO’s commanders.

Following is the text from Global Research. Please forward this information widely.

GlobalResearchTV Uploaded on Aug. 12
August the 8th/9th 2011. 

A large number of casualties occurred in the city of Zliten, in the district of Misurata. In Zliten, 85 people were killed including 33 children, 32 women, and 20 men as a result of NATO’s deliberate targeting of residential areas and civilian infrastructure. Many of the injured civilian victims are in critical condition and near death. 

Zliten has been under constant NATO bombardment for several days. The recent NATO attacks started at about 11:30 p.m. EET on August 8, 2011. At least 7 civilian homes belonging to local farmers were destroyed, killing entire families. In all 20 families were the targets of the NATO bombings. 

This video exposes the media’s role of covering up the truth.
The mainstream media did not report about this properly or accurately. The media did this to whitewash NATO’s war crimes against the Libyan people.

“Speaking Truth To Empower.”