BLM Vows “Massive Unrest” Aimed at Boston Archbishop & “School of Hate”

[Nova Z\School of Hate]
BSN: Raymond Moore, President of Berkshire County’s Black Lives Matter was “disgusted” with what he read in The Black Star News last week- SCHOOL OF HATE: Without Any Disciplinary Record, Only Black Girl Expelled Day Before Her Birthday.”
Photo: Nova Z

PHOTO: IT’S ON! : Berkshire Black Lives Matter President Raymond Moore and Nova Z join forces to hammer the “School of Hate- ” St. Mary’s School in Lee, MA- the Springfield MA Diocese and the Archbishop of Boston – Cardinal Sean Patrick O’Malley. A video of Moore went viral recently when- defending a woman and her child- he KO’d a white 6.6ft 330-pound-Trump- supporter in under 10 seconds with a scientifically perfect right hook in Pittsfield, MA. “Black Lives Matter is non-violent, but don’t push us,” Moore said.

With a vow of “massive unrest” throughout New England this fall and a call to boycott both the Catholic Church in Massachusetts and Berkshire County’s Greylock Federal Credit Union, Black Lives Matter has boldly jumped into the debate about the expulsion of Black Star News Youth Journalist Nova Z from St. Mary’s School in Lee, Massachusetts -without any disciplinary record- the day before her birthday.

Raymond Moore, President of Berkshire County’s Black Lives Matter was “disgusted” with what he read in The Black Star News last week- SCHOOL OF HATE: Without Any Disciplinary Record, Only Black Girl Expelled Day Before Her Birthday:

“What St. Mary’s School in Lee, the Springfield diocese and the Archbishop of Boston, Cardinal Sean O’Malley have done to Nova Z is unacceptable and Black Lives Matter is going to respond in a very big way. We are all in,” Moore told The Black Star News. ” I have been a community organizer since 2012, I have seen a lot. I’m a tough dude. But when I read about Nova Z – as a father myself – my heart broke. My soul hurts for this precious little girl.”

Moore, whose Berkshire Black Lives Matter (officially called the Black-Lives-Matter-Northern-Berkshire-International Partnership) has been marching for months in solidarity with George Floyd and Breonna Taylor marches around the country. However, now they have a cause of their own and are asking Black Lives Matter organizations in the region and beyond to march in solidarity with Nova Z and them. So far, Moore says, the response has been “tsunami like. It’s been overwhelming.”

“I have reached out to several chapters of Black Lives Matter in the region- from Boston to Brooklyn, Hartford, Troy, Brattleboro, VT- about Nova Z and I’m gonna tell you, both Black & white people are incensed about this all over the Northeast. There are people from all over who have been abused by the Catholic Church as children that are contacting us. We want to reach out to anyone who has been abused by the Catholic Church- white, Black- anyone from anywhere- all Catholic-child-abuse organizations and urge them join this movement. Because if anyone out there- Black, white, Catholic, non-Catholic- ever wanted to do something to stop the Catholic Church from raping and abusing children over the years and decades but were afraid to speak out or felt the numbers would not be enough to change things, people get ready cause there is a train coming! Nova Z is now ‘the cause’ in our region. In our social media circles, Nova Z is our Angela Davis, an icon in our struggle for justice and equality. In her name we are planning massive unrest in Lee and at the homes of those responsible for the racial hatred and child abuse directed at our child. Nova Z is our child too. She is your child. She is all children who have ever been racially targeted or sexually preyed on by the Catholic Church,” Moore said.

Moore believes the marches will grow larger and expand across the region as the more people hear of Nova Z.

“Black Lives Matter here in New England – along with and on behalf of Nova Z, are boldly opening up a new front in the battle for Black liberation. On a macro-level- the Catholic Church is responsible for the start of the African-Slave-Trade with the 1452 papal bull of Pope Nicholas V. But right here and now in New England, the Catholic Church in our region and across the state of Massachusetts has acted in a predatory and abusive manner towards children for decades. They like to prey on poor children- white children and children of color. As long as they are vulnerable and no one will believe them or their parents, it’s been open season on our children for a long, long time. Cardinal O’Malley claims he does not tolerate child abuse. Where is he now? We know he knows about Nova Z because her father (New York City true-crime author and investigative journalist Toby Rogers) has already debriefed his chief of staff Stephanie Whelan,” Moore said.

“If we do not hear from Cardinal O’Malley soon in regards to Nova Z, he is going to hear from us. We know where he lives and we will march right to his front door,” Moore added. I am also requesting both Rev. Al Sharpton and Rev. Jesse Jackson as well as any other Ministers, Pujaris, Rabbis and Imams in the region to help us intervene in this matter,” Moore said.

“Nova has already missed two weeks of school. We need to have a united front across religious and racial lines. Don’t let the media twist it, there are a lot of white people who march with Black Lives Matter. There are many white people in Lee that I personally spoke too are just as mad about this as we are. This is not about the people of Lee, we encourage all of them to join the movement. This is about two outsiders to the town- a white priest and a white principal- who ain’t even from there! The word is getting out. The drums are beating and the people are on the move,” Moore said.

But Black Lives Matter will not just rely on massive protests. They are calling on Catholics that belong to churches in the Springfield diocese and beyond to withhold their weekly donations until SMS principal Jennifer Masten is fired, Fr. Brian McGarth is removed from the school and Nova Z is back in class.

Moore is organizing another boycott against Greylock Federal Credit Union, who employs Jen Masten’s husband, John S. Masten. Moore believes the entire Berkshire community needs to pull together when it comes to bigotry and hate in the county and make an example Fr. Brian and Masten so as to “put others on notice” with similar impulses.

“The days of this type of bigoted and hateful abuse of children by those in power of the Catholic Church are over,” Moore declared.

A video of Moore went viral recently when – defending a mother and child- he KO’d a white 6.6ft -330-pound-Trump- supporter in under 10 seconds with a scientifically perfect right hook in Pittsfield, MA. “Black Lives Matter is non-violent, but don’t push us,” Moore said.

Trump supporter gets cracked in Pittsfield Ma: