UGANDA: Scientific Elections are Masturbation –Dr. Stella Nyanzi

Dr. Stella Nyanzi, an academic don and a human rights activist

Like sex, campaigns are interactional. Just like sex, campaigns are two-dimensional. Candidates have social-political intercourse with the voting masses. The masses copulate with the candidates in orgies of political engagement and ecstasy. Political orgasm is ultimately attained from the-give-and take off interactive campaigns that inform election decisions.

Dr. Stella Nyanzi, a Ugandan medical anthropologist, feminist, queer rights activist, and scholar of sexuality, family planning, and public health has come out and described the scientific elections as masturbation.

Nyanzi who was arrested in 2017 for insulting President Yoweri Museveni has of late become a political critique who uses her social media accounts to throw out her sexualized political commentary to her followers.

Her description of the unusual ‘proposed campaigns and elections model’ follows the promulgation of the revised electoral road map on Tuesday 16, 2020 by the Electoral Commission. In the road map, aspirants at all levels are to conduct campaigns electronically via televisions, radios, and social media.

This model is contrary to the old model where aspirants held open air public rallies. It is to avoid the spread of Coronavirus which has so far infected over 800 in Uganda.

Below are Dr. Stella Nyanzi’s own words from her Facebook post of June 24 2020 describing the scientific elections as masturbation.

“For those of us who have enjoyed the ecstasy and pleasure of sex with another person, the nonsensical scientific election campaigns proposed by the biased Electoral Commission are akin to masturbation. Compared to normal elections, these scientific elections are as productive and pleasurable as masturbation is relative to sex.

“Like sex, campaigns are interactional. Just like sex, campaigns are two-dimensional. Candidates have social-political intercourse with the voting masses. The masses copulate with the candidates in orgies of political engagement and ecstasy. Political orgasm is ultimately attained from the give and take of interactive campaigns that inform election decisions.

“Dictator Museveni has proved through his one-man shows masquerading as Covid-19 presidential addresses that he is the King of Masturbation. There is nothing as disgustingly pornographic as an aged dictator jerking off before cameras and microphones broadcasting to the entire country.

“Now, Museveni – King of Masturbation wants to co-opt Uganda’s political elite into massive masturbation broadcast on television, radio and social media. He deployed the Electoral Commission to try and transform our politicians into his co-masturbators! We must collectively reject the one-manism and masturbatory charade of scientific election campaigns”, she writes on her Facebook account.

Her statement which directly strikes the Electoral Commission and the person of President Yoweri Museveni provoked hundreds of Ugandans who in turn commented on her post. Below are some of the venomous comments from Dr. Stella Nyazi’s Facebook friends and followers. To hide their Facebook names for safety measures, Black Star News gave them fictitious names.

 “Imagine forcing us to masturbate, let the senior masturbator and his so called co-masturbators ‘The Electoral Commission’ leave us alone. We need a free and fair sex not masturbation.” Prince X

“I’m using free to air to watch T.V main stations like NBS, NTV is nowhere, and even if he was to masturbate today I missed him. Much as he is denying the rest political interaction or copulation with the populace, he won’t get away with it fully.” Master K

“NRM democrats switch sides on this matter, it cuts across all sides only king of masturbation benefits and thrives.” He adds

“I think it is time we also go to the bush and take up arms. It’s time to prove to these bush men that we are not only intellectually and ideologically better than them, but we also understand the dynamics of the gun and its application. The time to reclaim our country is now or never!” Young D

“I gave up on M7 when he measured mingled posho on live cameras just to justify the amount of food given to vulnerable poor Ugandans. Indeed he is a serial ‘political masturbator’ selfish!” Peg Boy

“Men with FOUR TESTICLES like M7 MUSEVENI require no space to advertise their bedroom expertise. Where matters of elections become akin to love making, those who are endowed like MUSEVENI HIMSELF, are sought after by those who desire him to be their services! He can conduct multiple services to many a NYABOS! Peace please!” Soldier man

Stella Kijange, an aspirant for Nwoya District Woman Member of Parliament complained that the scientific elections shall favour the incumbents more than the new comers in that. The incumbents are already familiar with their electorates.

“Some of them have been in the Parliament for more than one term meaning, they have been in public and media eyes which is an upper hand for them.” Said Kijange

According to Kijange, there is a ray of hope for the new comers in the political arena because the incumbents have to account to their electorates and that if the electorates are tired of the status-quo, they will demand for change.

Meanwhile, William Nokrach, the Member of Parliament representing persons with disability in Northern Uganda declined to comment on the electoral road map saying Parliament is yet to debate on the matter.

“As Members of Parliament, we normally make electoral laws like parliamentary election law and presidential election law. The Minister of Justice has been requested to come and present this road map to parliament so that we discuss and see if it is in line with the laws that we have made for the elections.” Said Mr. Nokrach

“So I cannot comment on it right now before we have had the opportunity to discuss it as Members of Parliament. We want to see if this modification fits in the laws that had been made for elections. If not then we want to see what we can do about it.” Mr. Nokrach adds

During his sixteenth address to the nation on matters regarding Coronavirus and Lockdown relaxation on June 22, 2020, President Yoweri Museveni appealed to the general public to support the scientific campaigns and elections since it is the only ideal option for the country as it battles the novel Coronavirus.

“This would remove the uncertainty that would be created by the postponement of the elections but also ensure that elections are held safely”, said Mr. Museveni

“I call upon Ugandans to support this option because it can work if all concerned do their assignment diligently.” He added