Landman Season 1 Finale: Shocking Twists and Cliffhanger

Landman Season 1: Taylor Sheridan and Christian Wallance have created this American Television drama series. Landman is based on the podcast Boomtown and Billy Bob Thornton is the lead character in the series. This show premiered on Paramount on 17th November 2024. Moreover, the finale episode premiered on 12th January 2025 on Paramount. Landman’s finale episode delivers a combined theme of Survival, power, and ambition. Furthermore, it showcased the Norris family’s oil industry struggle. However, the finale episode centered around the death of Monty Miller. Along with that, in this pivotal episode, Tommy Norris stepped into the role of M-tech Oil’s president. 

While the Norris Family was dealing with Monty’s loss, Tommy was trying to balance his life with his new responsibilities. Along with his struggle to balance life with personal grief, he was facing several threats from the cartel. Meanwhile, Cooper and Ainsley also faced personal and professional challenges, and their lives also underwent significant changes. 

Landman Season 1 Finale

Landman’s season 1 finale episode is one of the best episodes of the season. In the finale episode, the story turns into an interesting path. Furthermore, Billy Bob is in the lead role as Tommy Norris and Jon Hamm owns Monty Miller’s character. He is a longtime friend of Tommy. Moreover, Monty was hospitalized because of heart issues, in the 9th episode of the series.The finale episode carries the same plotline. 

The finale episode of Landman begins with Monty Miller’s worsening heart condition, further that results in his death. After this tragic incident, Monty’s journey in Landman ends and Tommy becomes the President of M-Tex Oil. Monty’s passing thrust Tommy into various responsibilities. Moreover, Norris’ family suffered from both personal and professional loss after his death. Monty’s will sets the tone for the future, as his will appoints Tommy as president of M-Tex Oil and his estate’s executor. Tommy was dealing with the grief of losing him along with taking challenges in the oil industry. Apart from this, M-Tex’s future came into stake after his death. Landman Season 1 gives a summary of Tommy’s journey. However, in the finale episode, he confessed to Angela that she was in his mind, during his near-death experience. 

Tommy also Advised Cami ( Demi Moore) to sell M-Tex’s limited, so that she and her family can have a peaceful and comfortable life. But she decides to work in the oil industry itself. Later, in the episode, Tommy is seen tortured by a cartel and Gallino( Andy Garcia) comes and stops him. Moreover, the finale episode ends with a coyote in Tommy’s yard. 

Also read : Landman Episode 7 Ending Explained: Taylor Sheridan’s Drama Unfolds

In the Final Episode Tommy is Captured

In Landman’s final episode speaking on the phone with Jiminez. Later Jiminez set off M-Tex’s oil industry and captured Tommy. The Final episode witnessed Galliano, a new character, played by Andy Garcia. Andy Garcia is one of the best veteran actors. He is famous for his roles in Ocean’s Eleven and The Untouchable. Both Galileo and Tommy were discussing their future and generating income together. 

Monty’s Death Impacted the life of Tommy and Cami.

After the death of Monty, Tommy becomes the President of the company. He is even working on Cami’s behalf and is supporting her. But, Tommy knows the risk of a deeper dive into the oil company because the stress only leads Monty to his death. Furthermore, Tommy doesn’t want him or Cami to suffer in the same situation. Tommy also ends all the differences with Rebecca and brings her back as the main lawyer of the company. Along with that, Nathan is also giving his executives in the oil industry to the legal team. 

Coyote’s Significant Role in Landman’s Season 1 Finale

Coyote sacrifices his personal happiness and his family time for his work. However, Tommy had a regret that Monty didn’t spend more time with his family and children because of work. So, Tommy started considering Coyote’s role in the business. He wanted to take lower risks, have less stress, and have a happy livelihood. 

Moreover, at the end of episode 9, Tommy’s neighbor killed the first Coyote. So when he saw Coyote for the second time he encouraged it to run away. The coyote is the symbol of the Western frontier and Tommy’s freedom. 

Tommy and Angela 

In the finale episode when Tommy returns home after being injured with his encounter with Cartel. Moreover, after watching his condition Angela got disturbed and concerned.  Furthermore, Tommy also suggested to her that his work is risky and he can’t tell her all the details about his work. Tommy wants to shut the door between his work life and his love life. 

Cooper and Ariana 

In the finale episode of Landman season 1, Ariana was grieving for the loss of her husband. Ariana is a young single mother and a widow in the drama. Moreover, in the series Copper wants to be with Ariana. However, Tommy suggested to him about Ariana’s potential. But he failed to drive a wedge between both of them and Copper embraced her and made her happy.

Also read :  Landman Episode 7 Review: A Thrilling Turn of Events


Landman’s Season 1 has left various unsolved questions in the audience’s mind. However, it seems that the audience will get all the answers in season 2. But the streaming services or the production hasn’t announced about season 2. The viewers will have to wait till an official announcement.