Black Panther is a superhero created by Marvel Comics. Black Panther, real name T’Challa, is the one tasked with ruling and protecting a fictional African nation known as Wakanda. Black Panther made his debut in comic book from back in 1988 in Fantastic Four #52 and has made appearances in other mainstream American comics over the years too.
He’s also featured in TV shows and video games before starring as the lead character in his own hit film in 2018. Black Panther has appeared in video games previously, but never as a leading character. With the success of the Black Panther movie, he is certainly a character that could be the lead protagonist in a very successful video game.
The film had it all. Black Panther, or T’Challa as he is also known, is a very interesting character and he also helps to promote diversity in the superhero universe too. The public really bought into the plot of the movie and this ultimately helped it to be a wide-reaching box office hit. A video game also needs all of these components to be a success and Black Panther certainly has the winning formula. Players would love nothing more than taking control of T’Challa as he looks to protect African nation Wakanda. His genius level of intelligence, hunting and tracking abilities, enhanced physical capabilities, alchemical precognition and protection plus his suite of high-tech weapons and equipment make him an exciting character to play as.
The plot is also the type that will really immerse the player and see them commit to emotionally. Most of us want to save good from bad and with Black Panther they will get a chance to, as the king and protector; while having plenty of fun along the way. So even though comic books and movies are great forms of entertainment, nothing really compares to enjoying your own adventure and playing as a character like T’Challa. What everyone will also enjoy is the move away from the more traditional type of superhero and superhero story too. You could say we’re living in a time where the likes of Superman, Batman and Spider-Man, while they’re still popular, consumers are wanting something, or someone, new.
Black Panther fits that bill perfectly and it also helps to shine a light on diversity and this has been welcomed by most from all quarters. There’s no denying that Black Panther and gaming seem to be a perfect match. It’s not just video gaming where we could see T’Challa pop up either. Mobile gaming has become extremely popular, as have online slots. There are many examples where successful movies and interesting characters have been used to create hugely popular slot games, all of which can be found at PartyCasino’s slots page.
Therefore, with the advancements made in these areas recently Black Panther could again be the ideal fit. We could even see a throwback to a more traditional approach such as board games too, that’s how popular the Black Panther has been and continues to be. Either way, the success of the movie has made Black Panther a household and mainstream character that has the ability to really make an impact in other forms of entertainment.