#Black Lives Matter, #Police Lives Matter and empowering our kids with Successful thoughts do too!
By Reginald Grant, MSEd
No, I do not believe that police officers should have been gunned down.
No, I don’t believe all police are corrupt, racist or out to get black people.
Yes, I believe that we need to face our issues head on and stop acting like ostriches with our heads in the sand.
But, as an African American man I fully support the general concepts of the #Black Lives Matter movement. It is the new civil rights movement that has spawned debate, support, indignation and designation as a terror group. The fact is African American people, people of color and especially African American Males have been and continue to be discriminated against on both an individual and institutional level. The playing field is not level, but many have found ways to succeed in spite of the obstacles. Yes, the horrific killing of black males is a real problem. I do drive while black!
I ardently, believe that most people are fundamentally good. I believe that American society has made tremendous strides, but I am also a realist. There is still much work to do but we have to keep things in perspective and do more to balance the messages of negativity. Reality is millions of honest, hard working and successful black men exist, but these are not the images we see of African American Males.
As a parent of three girls I want each one of them to have unlimited opportunities and a clear path to realize their full potential. As a fair minded individual I inherently also want everyone regardless of background to have the same opportunities. I love American and as a military veteran was willing to give my life for the principals this great nation was founded upon. So, when someone categorically disparages any group I am offended and appalled.
With that said, I also clearly understand that we need to reinforce positive people and the positive things that they have done. As a professional educator for sixteen years I know that expectations play a significant role in a child’s success. We as a nation need to empower our next generation and build on the success of all of our contributors to this nation. In my classrooms I have always had high expectations for all of my students and I have seen the power of high expectations first hand.
Let’s stop the divisive rhetoric, let start to address the real problems of real Americans. Let’s find the positive messages to let our children know that anyone can succeed in America. Let’s ensure that every American has the opportunity to contribute. As the most diverse country in the world we need to embrace our diversity and leverage it to our advantage.
Reginald Grant, MsEd
Author, English Teacher,
Host of A Family of Authors Radio Show / Pod Cast
Author of “Success Stories Insights by African American Men” (2016)