2015 Summer Youth Police Academy


2015 Summer Youth Police Academy

Applications are to be submitted by Friday May 29th, 2015.

New York City residents, attending school, between the ages of 10 and 16 are eligible to attend.

The Youth Police Academy will provide those participating in the program with lunch and uniform shirts. The Youth Police Academy is a six (6) week program that will hold sessions five (5) days a week.

The Academy will open at 8:30 am in the morning and dismissal will be 2:00 pm in the afternoon. Students will attend classroom sessions with lectures, role-plays and topical demonstrations by police officers in the areas of law, behavioral science, drug prevention and gang resistance.

Field trips to a Police Department facility or a City park are also part of the curriculum. Transportation to and from the field trips will be provided. Each site is accessible by public transportation.

The goals of the academy are: To enhance responsible citizenship.

To provide positive interaction with police officers and to educate young people about the challenges and responsibility of police work.

To encourage young people to take part in other youth programs offered by the Police Department such as: the Law Enforcement Explorers, Police Cadet Corps and the Police Athletic League.

The program is an unique experience for city youth to steer away from negative roads, especially in the hot summers months when school is out, and on to positively proactive and constructively paths.

Attached is a copy of the 2015 Youth Police Academy (YPA) application and a link below containing the application.

For more information Click here   Short Video regarding the Academy

There are other programs available such as Explorer.