Wordle Hints And Answers October 30, 2024 Game # 1229

It’s almost Halloween, and Wordle has decided to spook us with an ‘easy’ one today. October 30, Wordle Game # 1229 is live across the world. Have you played it yet? You will need your wits about you today, so do not underestimate this, Wordle. It’s easy, but it’s not Wordle’s favorite kind of trick. The word is commonplace enough, but if you take an adventurous route today as we did, you may reach the last couple of guesses before your neurons say, “Eureka.” 

Worry not; we will not let this Wordle spook you; we have all the hints and clues you need to solve today’s Wordle. We are also sharing the best-starting words for today’s game so that you can try to guess it in two or three tries, which is the best kind of Wordle solution. Be warned, this article is a big bag of today’s Wordle spoiler goodies! Let Wordle Game # 1229 begin!

Also read : Nyt Connection Hints and Answer 30 Oct 2024, Game#507

Hints for Wordle dated October 30, Game # 1229

Hint No.1: Meanings and Synonyms.

It refers to ‘ a supporting frame used by artists to keep their canvas or any other painting surface while painting.’

Synonyms could be ‘stand’ or ‘board.’

Hint No.2: Usage

Think of Leonardo Da Vinci, visualise him painting, and think of the object on which his canvas stands. Voila! Yes, you got it!

Hint No.3: Alphabets

The name of the game today is “VOWELS.”

Yes, today, three of the five words are vowels, and a vowel repeats. This repeated vowel also begins the word.

No uncommon consonants are in play in game # 1229.

Hint No.4: Best Starting Words for Today’s Wordle Game # 1229

The best-starting words for today’s Wordle game # 1229 are;


Hint No.5: Beginning and Ending Letters

Wordle Game # 1229 begins with E and ends with L.

Answer for Wordle dated October 30, Game # 1229

The answer for today’s Wordle Game # 1229 is “EASEL.”

WordleBot Analysis: Wordle Game # 1229: October 30. 

Till the time of writing this article, WordleBot has analysed more than 68000 games. Based on this analysis, most Wordlers could solve it in 3.9 tries. This figure tells us that most players found it easy. Any number between three and four is an easy Wordle. 

The WordleBot recommends starting with CRANE and KNELT  today.

How to Play Wordle Game # 1229 Successfully?

As you can see from our gameboard, we went down the risky guessing route today. We were feeling a bit invincible today. But Wordle has humbled us quickly. We got our standard two vowels and a consonant after the first guess; we decided to go after the consonants along with the two vowels. Bad move.

The best strategy today is not to include the two vowels and focus on the consonants in the second guess. Then, look for repetitions and patterns in the third. You can guess this one in three, unlike us! We hope you enjoyed today’s Wordle and gained insights from our game board. Until tomorrow, fellow Wordlers! Let’s see if Wordle tricks or treats us tomorrow!