White Supremacist QAnon Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene Represents New Face of Trump Republican Party

Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Marjorie Taylor Greene is the kind of disgrace—like Donald Trump—that the Republican Party of supposed “family values” has elevated in American politics.

Greene is the sort of regressive racist Republicans are now producing, because the GOP has long peddled in issues of promoting prejudice and grievance against non-white others. It has led us to this point where the MAGA Mob of Trump Terrorists attempted a coup upon the U.S. Congress because they are mad Trump lost the November election.

Worse of all, these crazy crackers, like Marjorie Taylor Greene, remain “a clear and present danger” to the emerging multi-cultural America that these white Americans so fear.

Greene announced Saturday that she had spoken to Trump and had basically secured his blessing to continue her wacky bigoted behavior. This isn’t surprising since Greene represents that white supremacist faction of America that, largely, secured the White House for Trump in 2016, and a seat in Congress for Greene in 2020.

Greene tweeted that she was “so grateful for (Trump’s) support and more importantly the people of this country are absolutely 100% loyal to him because he is 100% loyal to the people and America First.”

Of course, “the people” she speaks of don’t reflect the new America that Greene and her white supremacist, and QAnon crowd, are trying to destroy. “The people” she is talking about, like Trump and the Republicans, reflect that part of white America which is now in a homicidal\suicidal state because they see people who don’t look like them assuming high seats of political power.

Greene is speaking for that constituency which was likely aghast when Rev. Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff won the two Georgia seats which delivered the U.S. Senate into the hands of the Democrats. A Black preacher, who sermonizes from the very pulpit where Dr. King used to preach, along with a Jewish guy who was mentored by the late Rep. John Lewis, is the rising America that is causing sleepless nights in MAGA America.

There are many things that are offensive about Greene and the Democrats are right to call for her dismissal. Unfortunately, the Republican Party is becoming more and more representative of folks like Greene. Moreover, Republicans are now aiding-and-abetting Greene because she represents Trumpism and they all fear crossing Trump.

This is why flaky House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy backtracked and started butt kissing Trump’s backside again after initially pointing the finger at Trump for the January 6th coup attempt on Congress.

McCarthy reportedly said he would have a talk with Greene about her behavior. Will this be like his recent talk with Trump?

Donald Trump has exposed the Republican Party and undressed them as a party that puts power over everything—including the good of the country. How else can one explain their unwillingness to “call a spade a spade” and denounce the traitorous Trump who attempted to overthrow the government, while putting their lives in jeopardy?

For decades, hypocritical Republicans claimed they put “country before party.” If this was really the case Donald Trump would’ve been convicted in last year’s impeachment trial and they could have proved to us how principled they really are. In fact, if they were really such a principled party they should’ve been the ones pushing for his impeachment.

But now, in an even worse case of presidential abuse, where Trump engaged in incitement of an insurrection, Republicans have already told us they will not convict–before the trial has even started. Do we need any more proof Republicans care only about power and have no ethical principles?

Republicans voters are electing people like Marjorie Taylor Greene and showing us their true racist colors. Republican racism made the election of Donald Trump possible and Trumpism made Marjorie Taylor Greene possible.

Much is being made about the fact that Greene says she will not apologize for anything. Why is this a surprise? Is she any different from Trump? Did he apologize for any of the absurd things he said?

Democrats must now come to this sobering reality: The Republican Party is now under the control of far-right racists. The Republican Party should now be considered a threat to the emerging multi-racial and multi-cultural America.

Also, some Republicans now seem fearful for their lives, since blind loyalty to Trump is now the reality that is being forced upon them by that large bloc of racist voters that they have cultivated over the years.

Democrats must now use the power they have been given by this emerging America to drive change. If that means pushing simple majority measures to pass bills, they must do so. The Democrats cannot allow McConnell and Republicans to stymie the help Americans need now as COVID continues to cause massive havoc.

Democrats must also realize that people like Marjorie Taylor Greene represent the new face of the Trump Republican Party. That means the Republican Party as a whole—not just the more overtly outspoken nuts like Greene—must now be denounced as the party of violent white supremacy.