“The Brutalist”, an Epic drama movie directed by Brady Corbet and produced by Corbet and Mona Fastvold. It is an imaginative story of Brady Corbet in which the lead character is played by Adrien Brody. Adrien Brody has played the character of Làszló Tóth, who is a Hungarian-born Jewish architect and Holocaust survivor. It is a story of how a wealthy client of Làszló Tóth changed his life while he was struggling to achieve his American Dream. The movie has scored 71 out of 100 on TMDb and has a runtime of almost 3 hours 35 Minutes. The movie is the result of an international co-production between the United Kingdom, the United States, and Hungary.
On 1st September 2024, “The Brutalist” premiered at the 81st Venice International Film Festival. There Brady Corbet was awarded for best direction with Silver Lion. The American Film Institute also named Brutalist as one of the top ten movies of 2024. At the 82nd Golden Globe award the movie was awarded with numerous awards including best motion picture drama. The movie was shown at the New York Film Festival and at the Toronto International Film Festival. On 20th December 2024, the movie was released in the United States by A24.
Where to watch “The Brutalist”?
From 5th January 2025, Brutalist is available to watch in theatres, as it premiered on 1st September 2024, at the 81st Venice International Film Festival and debuted in selected theatres of the United States and distributed by A24. Fans are very excited to watch the film on the silver screen.
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Is “The Brutalist” Available on Streaming Platforms?
Till now, “The Brutalist” is not available on any streaming platforms. From 5th January 2025 fans can watch the movie, by visiting their nearest theatres. Later in 2025, the film is expected to premiere on Max, just because of A24’s deal with Warner Bros.
Storyline of “The Brutalist”
The most talked about movie of the year is now available in the theatres. The emotionally charged storytelling and powerful performance are giving the movie grand success. With Làszló Tóth, this movie takes us on a journey of a refugee who is carrying the weight of his past struggles and has come to an unfamiliar world, with new hope and expectation. After World War II Làszló fled to America to have a fresh start in his life. After being commissioned by Harrison Lee Van Buren, the industrialist Làszló arrived in Pennsylvania. Làszló’s wife Erzsébet and his niece were at the Austrian border, waiting for Làszló who had promised them a new life in America. Làszló, who had come with new hopes and expectations in America, but faced various difficulties to achieve his dreams. Làszló’s talent was recognized by the industrialist Harrison Lee Van Buren, but he had paid a heavy cost for power and legacy.
Casts of “The Brutalist”
In “The Brutalist,”Adrien Brody plays the character of Làszló Tóth, who is a Hungarian-Jewish architect. Felicity Jones played the character of Erzsébet Tóth, Làszló Tóth’s wife. Guy Pearce played Harrison Lee Van Buren, who became the most important client of Làszló Tóth. Joe Alwan played Harry Lee Van Buren while Raffey Cassidy played Zsofia. Stacy Martin has played the character of Maggie Van Buren and Emma Laird has played the character of Audrey. Isaach de Bankole played Gordon while Alessandro Nivola played Attila.
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Adrien Brody
Adrien Nicholas Brody, an American actor, gained acclaim for his portrayal of Władysław Szpilman in the 2002 war drama “The Pianist.” He won the Academy Award for Best Actor for “The Pianist”. He is the youngest actor to win this award. In “The Brutalist” Adrien played the character of Làszló Tóth and won the Golden Globe award for the best actor.
Guy Pearce
Guy Edward Pearce popularly known as Guy Pearce, is an Australian Actor.An amazing actor, Pearce has won numerous awards, including a Primetime Emmy Award, and has also received two Golden Globe nominations. In “The Brutalist” he played the character of Harrison Lee Van Buren, who is a wealthy client of Làszló Tóth and helped him to fulfill his dreams in America.
Felicity Jones
Felicity Rose Hadley Jones popularly known as Felicity Jones, is an English Actress. Jones began her career at the age of 12 by starring in The Treasure Seekers, released in 1996.
She has also appeared in several TV series and movies including The Worst Witch and Donmar Warehouse. In “The Brutalist” Felicity Jones plays the character of Erzsébet Tóth. Erzsébet Tóth is the wife of Làszló Tóth. Erzsébet was waiting for Làszló Tóth at the Austrian border who went to America to achieve his dreams.
Crew of “The Brutalist”
Brady Corbet has directed “The Brutalist.”Trevor Matthews and Nick Gordon have produced the movie for Brookstreet U.K. along with Brian Young and Kaplan Morrison. Andrew Lauren has made the production under D.J Guggenheim and Andrew Lauren Production. Brookstreet UK has financed the movie under Lip Sync Production, Meyohas Studio, Richmond Pictures, Carte Blanche, Senior Lender Cofiloisirs, and Pierce Capital Entertainment.
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“The Brutalist” is filled with powerhouse performances, excellent cinematography, and Complex Storytelling. Adrien Brody and Guy Pearce have powerhouse performances in the movie. This drama deserves a watch by the audience. The movie is now available in theatres from 5th January 2025. however till now, the movie is not available on streaming platforms but it will be available for streaming on MAX, because of the deal with Warner Brothers.