When is President’s Day 2025? Celebrating George Washington

President’s Day 2025 is on Monday, 17th February 2025. Moreover, it is also known as Washington’s Birthday. On the president’s day, there is a federal holiday in the United States. Along with this, generally, it is on the third week of February every year. President’s Day honors the first president of the United States George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. George Washington was born on 22nd February, whereas Abraham Lincoln was born on 12th February. Apart from this, President’s Day also honors all the presidents, who served or are currently serving the United States. 

George Washington’s Birthday or President’s Day 

President’s Day not only represents the first president(George Washington)of the United States. It also talks about the nation’s founding and values. As George Washington called in his farewell, he addressed the beloved union and constitution. He also thanked the founders. Moreover, president’s Day also commemorates the birthday of Abraham lincoln. He was the 16th President of the United States. His birthday is on 12th February. 

Today, the third Monday of February is celebrated as President’s Day all over the United States. Moreover, many malls and retail stores also give president’s offers in their stores. However, this year president’s Day is on 17th February. Let’s get to know the coming year’s President’s Day dates:

  • 2025, President’s Day— 17th February, Monday 
  • 2026, President’s Day — 16th February, Monday
  • 2027, President’s Day— 15th February, Monday
  • 2028, President’s Day — 21st February, Monday
  • 2029, President’s Day— 19th February, Monday

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History of the President’s Day

Just months after President George Washington’s death, the people of America started celebrating his birthday. Later, Congress declared that day as a federal holiday. Moreover, under President Rutherford B. Hayes, Washington’s birthday started to be observed as a legal holiday on 22nd February. Apart from this, in 1968, the Congress government passed the Monday holiday law. Under this law, they declared legal Public holidays on Monday. Furthermore, to provide uniform annual observation and to bring substantial benefits to both the economic and spiritual life of the nation, they made the law. 

President’s Day or a Federal Holiday?

George Washington was the first President and the founding father of the United States. Now, his birthday is a permanent federal holiday. Moreover, the Congress party established this law. This law has become a great tradition in the United States and is followed every year. The people of the United States proudly follow this tradition. Furthermore, on this day a U.S. senator read George Washington’s farewell speech in the legislative session. President’s Day is a big event in the United States and is celebrated in a grand way. Some of the federal Holidays of 2025 are:

  • Wednesday, 1st January 2025 — New Years Day 
  • Monday, 20 January 2025 — inauguration day Martin Luther King Jr. Day
  • Monday 17th February 2025 — George Washington’s birthday, moreover many states and local governments refer to it as President’s Day 
  • Monday, 26th May 2025 — memorial day 
  • Thursday, 19th June 2025 — Juneteenth
  • Friday, 4th July 2025 — Independence Day 
  • Monday, 1st September 2025 — Labour Day
  • Monday, 13th October 2025 — Columbus Day 
  • Tuesday 11th November 2025 — Veterans Day 
  • Thursday 27th November 2025 — thanksgiving day
  • Thursday, 25th December 2025 — Christmas Day

When is George Washington’s Actual Birthday? 

George Washington’s real birthday is on 22nd February. Apart from this, the federal holiday is on the third Monday of February. However, the first president of the United States, George Washington was actually born on 11th February 1731. Moreover, at the time of his Born Julian calendar was in use. Furthermore, in Washington’s lifetime Americans and people of Great Britain switched from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar. However, Europeans had already changed their calendar in 1582. 

After this sudden reform, people who were born before 1752, were asked to add 11 days to their birth dates. As a result of this, people born between 1st January to 25th March have to add 1 year to their birth dates to be in sync with the Gregorian calendar. Moreover, George Washington was also among them. Apart from this, Washington became president of the United States in 1789. From then on, he started celebrating his birthday on 22nd February. He also listed his birth year as 1732. 

So, George Washington’s birthday is on:

  • 11th February 1731 — According to the style Julian calendar
  • 22nd February 1732 — according to the new style Gregorian calendar 

What is it? President Day, President’s Day, or Presidents’ Day

The Associated Press (AP) stylebook refers to this day as Presidents Day. Moreover, the Chicago style prefers it as Presidents’ Day. Along with this, the Merriam–Webster Dictionary pronounces the holiday as Presidents’ Day. Furthermore, in Google folks can search from both ways. Moreover, be it President’s Day, President’s Day, or Presidents’ Day one thing is very clear: this day is now celebrated as George Washington’s birthday. 

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President’s Day is celebrated as George Washington’s birthday all over the United States. Moreover, he was the first President and the founding father of the United States. Furthermore, this year President’s Day is on Monday, 17th February 2025. Apart from this every year, this day is celebrated on the 3rd Monday of this month. Along with this, on this day a U.S. senator read George Washington’s farewell speech in the legislative session. The people of the United States celebrate this day with a lot of joy and happiness.