What We Don’t See: What Invisible Tricks Harm Black America The Most?

By Black Economics

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By Dr. Brooks Robinson\ Black Economics.org website.

Photos: YouTube Screenshots\Wikimedia Commons

We could have titled this essay: “The Forest for the Trees” or just “What We Don’t See.” Both infer that we are missing something. Are Black Americans missing something? Yes! The evidence is that we are not seeing clearly and are not researching properly. We are a People who have been in physical and mental slavery for centuries; we profess a desire for independence, self-sufficiency, self-determination, and liberty; we purport to have evolved the tools to materialize the just mentioned achievements, but have not achieved them; and we accept a message without much protest that we are (in relative terms) sliding back rather than surging forward.

To clarify and arrive at the core issue, consider that there are many beneficial aspects of creation that are transparent or translucent. Three of the most important are our minds that guide our every action, the air that we breath, and the water we drink. In their purest forms, these wonderful elements of our existence are also most essential for life itself. Importantly, the wealthy (oligarchs and plutocrats), who seek to control or destroy us, have come to recognize that they can best accomplish their goals and objectives by using that which is not easily observable materially to their benefit. But this is not a fool proof strategy because the aforementioned three elements, which might lead to their success are not totally and completely separable.

For example, the use of overt and subliminal techniques (tricks) by the wealthy to control or supplant the minds of a particular subgroup can affect unintended parties. If the wealthy infect the air, the wind blows. If they infect the water, the water flows. In other words, tricks can boomerang. But the wealthy comprehended this shortcoming in their strategy and delayed the full deployment of certain tricks.

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However, time has enabled the rise of an international class of supra-wealthy who view themselves as sufficient unto themselves and believe that they can isolate themselves and avoid the boomerang when a decision is made to deploy their hard to see and destructive tricks.

Which invisible tricks have harmed Black American wellbeing the most?

The insidious and ubiquitous media, which provide infotainment laden with trojan horses intended to ensure our demise! This includes stereotypes that motivate us to exhibit unfavorable behavior and others to exhibit unfavorable behavior toward us. Consider that the media informs, trains, even cajoles us to enjoy certain cultural expressions; it reveals that those proficient in exhibiting those cultural expressions can enjoy a rich and famous lifestyle; and it reveals that the rich and famous can live above the law. Observing all this, the talented in cultural expression among us sacrifice to achieve excellence, scratch our way to a rich and famous lifestyle and all it entails, only to find that when we violate the law while emulating what we observed in the media, we receive a rude awakening that we are not above the law. The public lynchings that ensue are disparaging and engender an increasing sense of hopelessness especially within our youth, who realize that it is a rigged game, reject the entire process, and in certain extreme cases opt for a death of despair. It all started because the unseen intent of the entire affair (to injure and/or destroy us), was operationalized by sending electromagnet waves through the invisible air or through unseen electronic digits.

Another invisible trick facilitated by the media is lethal viruses to sicken and murder. The few scientists among us who were brave enough vocalize truth questioned the origin of the AIDS virus over three decades ago. Since that time, our lives have been bombarded with virus after virus. Unfortunately, we do not have enough independent and independent-minded scientists, who study viruses and determine which are naturally occurring and our best responses to them. And if viruses do not infect us, then media’s reminders about them and their symptoms can program us into problems through two of the unseen elements already discussed—electronic magnetic waves that transmit the message and the mind that can convince the body that it is ill.

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The most worrisome aspect of all of this is that the supra-wealthy have exploited and are exploiting every resource our planet has to offer to maintain their position of power and control. In doing so, they are imposing enormous damage on our environment, which is now pushing back forcefully.

The wealthy, who also operate nearly invisibly, had to know that there would be environmental repercussions (boomerangs) to their strategy to extend their control and grow exceedingly rich. Therefore, they planned responses for the time when environmental degradation would become transparent and irrefutable.

Their planned strategy was to convince the public over decades concerning government’s vital role in secrecy and science. They used trillions of our tax dollars to research high sciences including space. In recent years as the time drew near to execute their plan, the wealthy ensured that space technology reemerged to become a relatively small but rapidly growing expenditure for the Federal government. They introduced laws and rules permitting those who use our tax dollars to perform successful research to claim ownership of the related intellectual property. They encouraged government to innovate using the triple helix: Academia, industry, and government. In most cases, it is a free program for industry to develop expertise and knowledge because academicians who perform the research either sell their intellectual property to industry or become industrialists. In other words, the supra-wealthy and their enterprise empires hijacked government and its budgetary resources to augment their wealth and ensure that they would be prepared to execute the current phase of their plan. What is their plan?

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First, consider two small enquiries: (1) How did undertaking as expensive as space exploration and travel become increasingly a private industry? (2) Are you aware that an idea gaining increased currency is that “It’s Time to Exit Earth”? Actually, the idea is not so transparent, and a similarly entitled article mysteriously disappeared shortly after it was posted recently on a website that is to remain unnamed. Nevertheless, whether correct or not, the idea alone a subtle signal that what we are told and think we know may be far from the truth. In this case, we cannot be certain that our Earth is not closer to a point of no return than we are led to believe.

What is clear is that like the most famous of magicians, global puppeteers keep most of us busy, entertained, stressed and strained, and enmeshed in our own dramas to such an extent that we have little to-no time to consider how what we do not see is being leveraged to affect our lives and wellbeing adversely. The absence of clear and pointed consciousness prevents us from developing an interest in researching topics critical to our stated objectives and goals; and if we do research them, we do so insufficiently. Consequently, until recently, we have not researched and planned appropriately to abandon the current path that leads to our demise. Fortunately, times have changed for the better!

“If all the trees were pens…”

Dr. Brooks Robinson is the founder of the Black Economics.org website.