WBAI Radio: Nkrumah’s Invitation To Dr. King On Today’s BSN Show

Photo: Government of Ghana

Dr. Martin Luther King was only 27 years old when Kwame Nkrumah invited him to join in celebrating Ghana’s independence on March 6, 1957 from British colonial rule. 

Dr. King was greatly inspired and impressed by Nkrumah and the struggle of Ghanaians for their Uhuru. He made a rousing and enlightening speech on April 7, 1957 about his visit to Ghana in Alabama. Dr. King said there were many lessons that African descendants in the United States could learn from Ghana in their struggle for human and civil rights here in the United States. 

Tune in to “Black Star News Show” on WBAI 99.5 FM New York Radio and www.wbai.org today, January 17, 2023 at 3PM U.S. Eastern Time, as hosts Milton Allimadi and Colin Benjamin are joined by Lawrence Hamm, founder of Newark-New Jersey based People’s Organization for Progress (POP), to analyze Dr. King’s speech about his trip to Ghana and the enduring relevance of his lessons. 

LISTEN TO TODAY’S SHOW: https://wbai.org/archive/program/episode/?id=37897

Dr. King concluded his 1957 speech by saying, “Ghana has something to say to us. It says first that the oppressor never voluntarily fives freedom to the oppressed. You have to work for it and if Nkrumah and the people of the Gold Coast had not stood up persistently, revolting against the system, it would still be a colony of the British Empire.” 

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LISTEN TO TODAY’S SHOW: https://wbai.org/archive/program/episode/?id=37897