“There’s one reason why I did not vote for Trump in 2016. Donald Trump is a fucking moron. That’s the one reason, and I tell you I’m stunned at his cruelty and his stupidity. The man is uneducated. He is a threat to everything we value. He disparages veterans. Why? Because they’e “suckers and losers” in his small mind.
All my relations were in the war, World War II, they’ve been in all our nation’s wars. I am disheartened and disappointed beyond belief. In the name of God, I tell you, you’ve got to wake up and smell the coffee. This man is a great danger to our nation. I fear for our future if this man is re-elected.
I didn’t vote for him four years ago and in good conscience I’d vote for an empty tomato can. Joe Biden will do just fine. My God, the man is normal, cares about more than his own family. The man is a blessing. We need to receive this. Thank you very much for your time and God bless America, and all those who fought and died for it.”