USA: Free & Dumb

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The African-American community will remain powerless if it continues to elect representatives who are looking for a job. I watched the clip from Michael Moore’s movie Farenheit 9/11 showing African-American leaders trying to get one Senator to sign a bill to protest the 2000 Presidential election and it did not happen.

Here in America, there are too many doubts being raised about “Fair elections.â€?  The United States has lost the right to interfere in other countries’ elections.  To add insult to injury – “African-Americanâ€? voters are still being disenfranchised and there has been no real action to cease this practice.

Despite the rigid hands of the Slave Master and being enslaved on America’s soil, the Most High made it possible for the children of those enslaved to move forward.  To understand what is happening in the world today, we must go back in time and learn the True-Story of America’s most beaten down People – survivors of the Black Holocaust. Their children are now called “African-Americans.â€? 
 My ancestors did not come to America by way of Ellis Island.  They died fighting to be free so I could have a right to vote.  I’ve learned that no matter how many African-American votes are cast – there is no law that says these votes have to be counted.  We are in the twenty-first century – what kind of bull is this?

The makers and shakers of these elections are always put in place.  I’m convinced, “Votes,â€? do not pick any candidate.  The voice of the People was silenced after the 2000 Presidential election by the Electoral College and capped by the Supreme Court.  There should not have been any more surprises or magic tricks being pulled at the voting polls.

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You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure this stuff out.  I know the Ancestors are looking down on us shaking their head.  Most of them didn’t know how to read or write, but they got their points heard without the use of computers, fax machines, telephones or kissing butt.

This election made it clear that the ‘Race issue,’ in this country does matter.  The one percent did not forget what happened in 1995, when over two million African-American men marched in Washington D.C., and stood on the front lawn of the Nation’s Capital in atonement.
 Issues that would affect a large number of American Citizens was not put on the table and discussed in the 2004 Presidential election.  The “Voters’ Right Bill,â€? comes up for the President’s approval in 2007, and it wasn’t given a thought.

There is no nexus when issues that affect you are put on the back burner or left somewhere in wonderland.  How can you hold someone running for the highest post in the country to task, when your interests are not taken to heart or put on the table for discussion?  How do you ask someone for something they have taken from you in the first place?

The one percent that rules the United States (U.S.) also controls all its wealth.  The right to vote is not a major concern of most Republicans and some Democrats.  Their prime concerns are ‘gold, oil, diamonds and silver (GODS),’ which contracts are made by those with absolute power and control.

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African-American democrats continue to find themselves blocked and locked out of the process.  Not only was the voting issues slapped off the table, Reparations were handled like Dorothy going to the Wizard trying to go home, the Tin man wanting a heart, the Scarecrow a brain and the Lion asking for courage – just to be ignored in Toto.

Four years ago, there was no doubt how I was going to vote in 2004, and nothing along the way changed my mind.  The “Selected White House,â€? needed to be changed.  I just didn’t focus on George W. Bush, because I knew, to remove him meant a personnel change in the White House.

The “War in Iraq,â€? where no weapons of mass destruction were found – as the attacks on September 11th, pointed toward Osama Bin Laden who cannot be tied to any involvement whatsoever.  However, the real issues were not dealt with – Bush lied to the American People and lead countries into a war, and it did not mean a thing.  Why?  Because America is racist and there’s no rules for the rulers. 
 The Republican Party knows the Democratic Party very well.  Democrats like former Mayor Ed Koch have divided the party in favor of the one percent.  Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who rode the wave into City Hall on the “African-Americanâ€? vote, jumps to the other side of the fence where his true interest lie – in the Republican Party and the one percent.

Thousands of American servicemen and women are dead as well as thousand of Iraqi civilian men, women and children. Yet hundreds of trucks are escorted each day out of Iraq filled with oil, when will we get true answers to this madness?

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The African-American community will remain powerless if it continues to elect representatives who are looking for a job.  I watched the clip from Michael Moore’s movie Farenheit 9/11 showing African-American leaders trying to get one Senator to sign a bill to protest the 2000 Presidential election and it did not happen.  To me that showed just how powerful the African-American vote really is – and why doesn’t the senate look like America? 

So we are left to listen to slogans, “Contract on America,â€? “Leave no child behind,â€? “If you are not with us, you are against us,â€? “They hate us because of our freedom.â€? When do we start connecting the dots?  As George Bush put it in the movie: “You fool me once…shame on..shame on you..You can’t fool me…You can’t be fooled again”.

Yeah? After this last election, other countries don’t look at our freedom or as a great power – they now call us – free and dumb.

Winkfield’s column appears every week in The Black Star News.  Contact him for consideration regarding covering your story.  Send comments to:  ON THE SPOT, In Care Of: Post Office Box 230149, Queens County 11423 – [email protected] – 917-248-179.   We can protect whistleblowers by honoring their privacy with confidentiality.

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