U.S. Gift To Kagame, Africa’s Leading Militarist: New War In Central Africa


To deflect from internal woes unindicted war criminal Gen. Kagame needs permanent state of war in region

Sowing Seeds Of Another Genocidal Conflict In Central Africa

Today, 8 January 2015, is another landmark date in the continuing tragic story of Rwanda and the Great Lakes region.

The President of the UN Security Council has just issued a statement declaring war against the FDRL.

This comes after U.S Special Envoy to the Great Lakes, Russ Feingold, sounded the trumpet call on 30 December 2014. The coercive will of the United States Government was reflected immediately in the statement of all international special envoys to the Great Lakes ( UN, EU, AU, US, Belgium) on Jan 2, 2015.

The statement of UN Security Council is the culmination of the U.S. Government effort to enforce its will through multilateral and regional organizations to support endless war-making of its rogue ally, Paul Kagame.

History has come full circle. In 1994 the United States led efforts at the United Nations, to wind up the U.N. Peacekeeping Force in Rwanda (UNAMIR), and thereafter, supported by RPF, prevented any U.N. Peacekeeping efforts to stop genocide and massacres in Rwanda and the Great Lakes region.

For over 20 years the United States and United Kingdom have protected President Kagame and his clique from accountability for war crimes, crimes against humanity and possibly acts of genocide in Rwanda and the DRC.

Paul Kagame himself triggered the end of the Arusha Peace Accords, and the start of genocide, by ordering the shooting down of the plane in which President Habyarimana of Rwanda and President Ntaryamira of Burundi were killed (Please see “Rwanda’s Untold Story.”)

In resorting to war, rather than promoting peace, the United Nations Security Council is being manipulated by the United States special interest groups onto a harmful and dangerous path, whose main victims, as usual, will be ordinary Rwandan and Congolese women and children.

Rwandans, Congolese, SADC, Africans and the peace-loving world must mobilize and organize to resist another senseless war to support  dictator Kagame’s belligerent policies in Rwanda and the Great Lakes region.

Notwithstanding the Security Council’s threats to silence the voices for peace and freedom, namely, through “targeted sanctions against any entities who support FDRL..” we say: we shall never, never, never be intimidated into silence and inaction in our struggle for freedom and peace in Rwanda.

We claim a right to speak for all Rwandans suffering under President Kagame’s criminal regime, including those in the FDRL and Rwandan refugees in DRC. This is a right that neither the United States as a superpower, nor the United Nations Security Council, can take away.

This war will fail, like previous ones, because it is simply unjust.

Dr. Theogene Rudasingwa

Washington D.C.

E-mail: [email protected]

8 January, 2015

Dr. Rudasingwa was previously Rwanda’s Ambassador to the United States, President Paul Kagame’s Chief of Staff, and Secretary General of Rwanda’s ruling party, RPF. He is the Coordinator of Rwanda National Congress and  author of Healing A Nation, and Urgent Call.

Please sign the Petition Opposing new war in Central Africa