Urban League Launches Diversity And Inclusion Business Initiative

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New York, NY (October 11, 2021): The New York Urban League has launched its new Diversity & Inclusion Lab, an incubator for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Initiatives, Recruitment and Best Workplace Practices.

The Diversity & Inclusion Lab seeks to empower leaders to inventory their own skills in order to craft a workplace that makes success possible for all. It encourages collaboration, shared insights, and builds a platform of diverse talent which members of the Diversity & Inclusion Lab can draw from for their own search via “NYUL CONNECT”.

The Diversity & Inclusion Lab will also leverage NYUL’s long-term relationships with Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Whitney M. Young, Jr. Scholars, and other New York young professionals in the Black community to continue to grow the fully digitized platform that helps corporations diversify their staff.

Shawn Outler, Chief Diversity Officer, Macy’s, Inc. says, “At Macy’s, Inc., we are focused on driving impact and creating meaningful change for the communities we serve. One of the ways we are able to accomplish this is by investing in and working with organizations that align with our goals and values, such as the New York Urban League. The Diversity & Inclusion Lab will be a place where equity, opportunities and inclusivity are brought to the forefront. From talent pipelines focused on increasing black representation and initiatives aimed at fostering the growth of diverse suppliers to the sharing and implementation of strategies that will empower and engage employees; this bold program will create tremendous progress as together we work to improve black representation across corporate America.”

Launch partners for the new Diversity & Inclusion Lab include Macy’s, JP Morgan Chase, Salesforce, The New York Yankees, New York Jets, Fidelis, Avalon Bay, Audacy and New York Power Authority – all of which will be sharing career opportunities and other resources within the “NYUL CONNECT” portal following the early October soft launch. The inaugural launch partners are brands committed to making the workplace mirror today’s consumer and their customer base. The rallying encourages more diversity in companies, a spark re-ignited by recent headlines which now stretches beyond race and gender.

Gil C. Quiniones, President and CEO of the New York Power Authority (NYPA) shared that, “Equal access and opportunity are the keystones to a progressive workplace that reflect the unique diversity of New York State and ensure that all people have an opportunity to participate. NYPA has developed its own extensive DE&I strategy and is pleased to partner with the New York Urban League and like-minded companies to share best practices and provide opportunities for engagement in our transition to a clean energy economy for all New Yorkers, with a special focus on inclusive representation from the Black community, and those from different races and genders. We are committed to working jointly to make the Diversity & Inclusion Lab a success.”

NYUL’s Diversity & Inclusion Lab will equip leaders with the diversity, equity, and inclusion skills necessary to manage a diverse organization that promotes the success of all stakeholders. This resource blends best practices on leadership and diversity to find the intersection of the two that cultivates the best work environment for collaborators to thrive. For the past 100 years, the National Urban League has inspired, influenced and ignited over one million Black people to achieve their highest potential. They are committed to elevating the circumstances that create inequalities in the lives of Black New York by headlining the issues and inspiring actions to eradicate them. At its core, they believe that INEQUALITY IS UNACCEPTABLE and has set the standard for change.

Arva Rice, President and Chief Executive Officer, New York Urban League shares that, “NYUL established the D&I Lab in response to calls from our existing and new supporters who requested assistance in achieving their diversity goals. We are thrilled that this inaugural cohorts have come together to authentically work towards making their wor​kplaces reflect their customer base. We know that the D&I Lab will provide concrete strategies and resources to help corporations reach their diversity goals. NYUL is uniquely positioned to meet this challenge as a result of our long-term partnership with many of the founding members of the Lab and our history of service to the African-American community.”

NYUL is excited for its member corporations to join the NYUL Diversity & Inclusion Lab and extend their commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion. There has been a need for a collective push toward convening diverse thinkers who come from a variety of industries and backgrounds.