Top 10 Most Unsafe Countries for Women 2024

Do you want to know about the most unsafe countries for women? If yes, here is the list-

Most Dangerous Countries for Women 2024

1. South Africa:

South Africa is considered as most dangerous country for women. The country has high rates of crime against women. The reports indicate that approximately 40% of the women may have experienced rape in their lifetime. There are similar issues in South Africa that concern women’s safety such as human trafficking and domestic violence against women.

2. Afghanistan:

Afghanistan remains one of the most unsafe countries for women. Women-related crimes in Afghanistan have been in the news for a long time and that has further risen particularly after the return of the Taliban to power. In Afghanistan, women have been imposed with severe limitations on their freedoms which include very limited access to education, health services, and working opportunities. 

3. Syria:

Syria has been facing a civil war for a long time and it has created a horrible situation for women’s safety. Apart from gun violence due to the civil war, the women here are at threat of sexual harassment and human trafficking. The ongoing civil war in Syria has limited the access of women to basic facilities like healthcare and healthcare and economic opportunities.

4. Somalia:

Somalia is another country suffering from ongoing internal conflict and turmoil and that is the biggest reason that weakens women’s safety and their rights. In Somalia, women are prone to risks of sexual harassment, domestic violence, and some damaging traditional practices. 

5. Pakistan:

Pakistan remains on the top list of unsafe countries for women due to some cultural and religious practices that bring about violence and discrimination against women. The major issues that contribute to crime against women in Pakistan are risks of honor killings and domestic abuse. The legal system is not strong enough and it often fails to provide proper protection for women’s rights, leaving many women at risk of exploitation and harassment. 

6. Yemen:

Yemen has always been in the news for the past few decades for its growing terrorism and is experiencing one of the world’s most severe crises resulting in a very bad impact on women’s safety. The conflict that has been ongoing for many years has led to an increase in risks of violence and harassment. Also, there are some religious practices and traditional gender preferences that led to an increase in the dangers women face in Yemen, making it one of the most unsafe countries for females.

7. Nigeria:

Nigeria has been suffering from terrorism from dangerous militant groups such as Boko Haram which is the major source of widespread women abuses including abduction, torture, and sexual harassment. Nigeria is also vulnerable to age-old traditional practices and human trafficking. There is a sense of insecurity, orthodox cultural practices, and very limited legal protection that creates a dangerous environment for women.

8. Saudi Arabia:

Saudi Arabia has shown some progress on women’s rights; however, it remains one of the most dangerous countries for women due to traditional gender bias. Women in Saudi face many restrictions in various scenarios that include personal freedom and the limited role of women in economic activities and basic rights. The legal support system is not well in place to defend women’s rights.

9. Mexico:

The risk to women’s safety has increased in recent years in Mexico and the country’s reputation in regards to human safety has been diminishing. There is a rise in abuses against women in Mexico due to an increase in crime rate, drug abuse, and violence. According to survey reports, not more than 33% of women in Mexico feel safe walking alone at night. 

10. Iran:

Iran has witnessed a big regime change many years back and that has resulted in its ranking in the list of most dangerous countries for women. The major factor in this is the present government is reported to curb women’s basic rights due to its political system and legal discrimination. Iran is blamed for its numerous restrictions concerning women that hinder their personal choices and legal support.