Organized crime is running amuck in the Black colony. In New York City, it is lead by four ecclesiastical pimps who have blood on their hands. They are fronts for organized crime.
[I Write What I Like]
At first blush, it would appear that the U.S. Constitution has no relevance to the UNIA or to UAM which was established in deference to Hon. Marcus Garvey.
When you go behind the Bill of Rights, for example, you will discern that the Bill of Rights involves an understanding of concepts.
In an examination of the Bill of Rights, starting with the First Amendment and ending with the Tenth Amendment, you will examine concepts like information is power; right to bear arms; freedom from military occupation; right of privacy; limitations on governmental interference, and power to the people. These are structural rights.
Generally, most Blacks are clueless as to the terrain on which their battle is currently being waged. Information is power. If Blacks win the battle for informational power, the second phase of warfare is “the right to bear arms” or “Negroes with Guns.” This means that there must be no access to scientific and rational information.
In order to connect the dots and think outside the box, there must be qualitative and quantitative information. For whites, this means well-funded think tanks. Blacks refuse to fund think tanks because no need exists for them in the master-slave relationship. Instead, Blacks choose to be victims of White propaganda.
This week, the “Big Four” met with President Barack Obama about joblessness in the Black colony. President Obama responded that the specific, racial plight of a people is of no moment to him. This inexcusable.
What question did the “Big Four” raise to President Obama? If it had raised the right question, it would have become the “Big Zero” and they would have been led out of the White House in handcuffs. Why? The groups lack standing under the law.
“All that glitters is not gold”: Is the media going after Gov. David Paterson because he awarded a gambling contract to the “brothers” or is it because he awarded the contract to the wrong plantation? To solve this question, you must be able to connect the dots and think outside the box.
Every week, UAM seeks to put current issues in their proper perspective. To continue to meet this objective, UAM needs a headquarters. It is a poor rat that does not have it’s own hole- UAM can do better.
For 24 years, I was responsible for its rent. On December 5, 2009, the UAM Transition Committee informed me of its indifference to a headquarters. Afterwards, the UAM Transition Committee started to raise funds for a phantom headquarters.
There has been no accounting of this fund-raising effort nor has there been any intention to sign a lease. Negro capitalism is running amuck at UAM while some members are verbally announcing a “Black to Africa” movement. The fallacy is that capitalism is foreign to our orientation. UAM is supposed to be “Race First” and not “me first.”
To be sure, Leola and I are leading by example but social parasites are following former President Richard M. Nixon’s style; greed. Our position is “Race First.” This is our contribution to our revered ancestors.
Organized crime is running amuck in the Black colony. In New York City, it is lead by four ecclesiastical pimps who have blood on their hands. They are fronts for organized crime. At best activists are sitting on the sidelines. Corruption has also permeated UAM but it will be nipped in the bud before March 1st.
After former President Lyndon Johnson signed legislation for social rights, Nixon slid greed into the equation. The struggle for freedom came to a screeching halt. The assassinations of Malcolm X and Dr. Martin L. King, Jr. paved the way for Negro capitalism.
In the interim, I suggest that faithful UAM members ward off these evil spirits by engaging in meditation. This meditation and introspection should continue through Wednesday evening, February 17.
The UAM Wednesday forum will resume on February 24 at Elks Plaza. If any evil spirits are still in the air after February 24, I will address them on Saturday, February 27 at 9:00 a.m. at the Cotton Club, 656 West 125th Street in Harlem.
This week, despite the absence of adequate resources, I will use the time to write a number of articles on issues that need serious analyses. Our fate in 2010 will be settled before March 1. If we are as “deaf, dumb and blind” as the Hon. Elijah Muhammad asserted, we will need seeing eye dogs.
Blacks were enslaved when the First Amendment was penned. The press was supposed to be free and a watchdog for the white masses. It was supposed to guarantee a democracy by insuring the free flow of information. On the other hand, Blacks were to be governed by a morontocracy.
Today, information is in the hands of a plutocracy and it is sifted before the masses get their hands on it. For Blacks, information is also scripted. UAM is seeking to serve the role of watchdog but it needs your help and comments.
You may contact UAM at: United African Movement, P.O. Box 35, Bronx, New York, 10471. Tel: (718) 834-9084
“Speaking Truth To Empower.”