Uganda: Why NRM Cadre Judges Will Face The Wrath Of History

By Zacharia Kanyonyozi

Photos: YouTube Screenshots

Yesterday the National Unity Platform (NUP) president Robert Kyagulanyi, alias Bobi Wine, (above far right) appeared before the Uganda Human Rights Commission (UHRC) chaired by Ms. Mariam Wangadya (above left) for hearing of his complaint filed five years ago against the government for canceling his music shows. The regime is so terrified of his popularity he’s not permitted to hold concerts even though he’s amongst one of Uganda’s and Africa’s top musical performers.

Inevitably, tempers flared yesterday as Bobi Wine and Wangadya clashed over his cancelled music concerts.

Bobi Wine: “This complaint was filed five years ago. Madam Chairperson and members, this commission which is empowered by the constitution to protect and preserve constitutional rights is instead the one violating those rights, I mean…..”

Wangadya: “Excuse me! You’re free to withdraw your complaint. I will not allow you to denigrate, emasculate, demean, and disrespect this commission. I will not allow you to accuse this commission of violating human rights…You’ll not speak any further about this!…. Where’s security?”

The arrogance of power exhibited by a mere house negro-level apparatchik such as Wangadya is galling, to say the least.

She thinks that by siding with military Dictator Gen. Yoweri Museveni’s might over right that somehow she might end up on the right side of history.

However, let us not focus on such minions who are mere ventriloquist dummies for any rent-a-dictator ready to thrust his hand up their ass.

Instead, let us remind them that the Nazis came to power in 1933 and swept away many of the freedoms that Germans had previously taken for granted.

In the process, the Nazi’s control of the legal system turned judges (similar to Wangadya) into arbitrary overseers of Kangaroo Courts which skipped decency 101 classes in the high schools they never actually attended.

We can draw parallels between Dictator Museveni and Dictator Hitler’s judges and chairpersons of commissions.

  1. Nazi judges had to swear an oath of loyalty to Hitler and were expected always to act in the interests of the Nazi state. In Uganda, judges swear an oath of loyalty to the Ugandan constitution as it is continually amended by Dictator Museveni. Hence, by extension, they are swearing allegiance to the whims of a nonagenarian despot. The same despot who raped the constitution by forcing Parliament to remove presidential term limits and age limits.
  2. All lawyers had to join the Nazi Lawyers’ Association, which meant they could be controlled. Professor George Kanyeihamba summed this up succinctly with respect to Uganda, “Museveni needs a loyal judiciary more now considering the increasing misdeeds; including torture, disrespect for the law and corruption as more and more people are getting tired of the regime as he stays longer in power”. Kanyeihamba adds that Dictator Museveni requires judges who would make decisions that are favourable to his government, otherwise known as “NRM cadre judges”. NRM is Museveni’s National Resistance Movement party which is akin to Hitler’s National Socialist German Workers’ party, a.k.a. Nazis.
  3. Under the Nazis, standard punishments for crime were abolished, so local prosecutors could decide what penalties to impose on those found guilty. In other words, they scrapped due process. Recall that Dictator Museveni when speaking shortly after the reading of the FY 2018/19 national budget, said he did not want to hear that suspected killers whom he described as “pigs and idiots” who kill Ugandans have been released on police bonds and court bails.
  4. The number of crimes that carried the death penalty increased from three to 46 in Hitler’s Germany. In Uganda, 28 offences merit the death penalty, the highest in East Africa. Some 278 people are on death row. In 2018, Dictator Museveni said he would “hang a few” prisoners at a graduation ceremony for prison wardens.
  5. “Protective custody” was introduced in Nazi Germany for those who might commit a crime. This meant people could be arrested and interned even if they had not broken the law. Compare this with what former Inspector General of Police (IGP) Kale Kayihura introduced as ‘preventive arrest’ where you could be arrested even before committing a crime, in the event that you might commit a crime!

The Nazis ended up in the wastepaper basket of history. Wangadya should resign before she winds up there too, along with Dictator Museveni.